Teaching activities
2016 – 2017, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France (192 hrs)
Ph.D Course on Coral reefs Ecology, PSL Research University Paris, 16-20 January 2017, Perpignan
Post graduate level:
Biodiversity, Biology, Ecology and Conservation of Coral Reefs.
Lecture “Use of acoustics for coral reef monitoring“
Practical “Fish Taxonomy” & “Otolithometry”
Chemical Ecology.
Exercises “Chemical ecology and larval recruitment”
English communication course.
October 2015, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France (3 hrs)
Post graduate level:
Biodiversity, Biology, Ecology and Conservation of Coral Reefs.
Lecture “Use of acoustics for coral reef monitoring“
2008 – 2011, University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France (64 hrs / year)
Under graduate level:
Practical in “Organisms’ Biology” ; “Animal Neurophysiology” & “Scientific Communication”
Exercises in “Genetics” & “Research in Ethology and Neurobiology”
Lecture and Exercises in “Biostatistics”
Post graduate level:
Exercises in “Cognitive Neuroscience” & “Experiments in Neuro-Ethology”
Supervision of students
Bachelor Level
Jordan V., Laurianne C. & Gaëlle F. (January 2009) : Université de Saint-Etienne.
Acoustic analysis, behavioural observations & statistical analysis.
Marie T. & Marine S. (July 2009): Université de Saint-Etienne.
Pilot experiment on audience effects and acoustic communication in Metriaclima zebra.
Morgan D. (June 2010): Université de Saint-Etienne.
Sound recordings of male Metriaclima zebra.
All students were co-supervised by Dr. Marilyn Beauchaud & Dr. Joël Attia (Université de Saint-Etienne, France).
Undergraduate Level
Cédric M. (2008-2009): 1st year of Master, Université de Saint-Etienne.
Role of acoustic and visual signals during agonistic interactions in a Malawi cichlid
Co-supervised by Dr. Marilyn Beauchaud & Dr. Joël Attia (Université de Saint-Etienne, France)
Laëtitia R. (2012-2013): 1st year of Master, Université de Saint-Etienne.
Multidisciplinary study of sound production in Haemulon flavolineatum (Haemulidae).
Co-supervised by Pr. Eric Parmentier (Université de Liège, Belgium)
Xavier R. (Feb-May 2015): 2nd year of Master, Université de Liège.
Study of acoustic communication in Balistidae
Co-supervised by Pr. Eric Parmentier, Dr. Loïc Kever (Université de Liège, Belgium) & Pr. David Lecchini (EPHE – CRIOBE).
Katy M. (Jan-June 2017): 1st year of Master, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.
Acoustic communication in a reef fish community.
Co-supervised by Pr. Eric Parmentier (Université de Liège, Belgium) & Pr. David Lecchini (EPHE – CRIOBE).
Noémie J. (Oct. 2017-Jan. 2018): Graduate student (EPHE 2017).
Study of the nycthemeral cycles of sound production in an ichtyologic community.
Co-supervised by Pr. Eric Parmentier (Université de Liège, Belgium).
Anaïs H. (Jan-Feb. 2020): 1st year of Master, Univ. Guadeloupe.
Sound production in the glassy sweeper Pempheris schomburgkii.
Céline G. (Feb-May 2020): 2nd year of Master, Université de Liège.
Study of the acoustic communication in Ostraciidae of Guadeloupe.
Co-supervised by Pr. Eric Parmentier (Université de Liège, Belgium).
Lana M. (Feb-June 2021): 2nd year of Master, Université du Mans.
Link between shoreline development, fish nursery areas and habitat acoustic diversity.
Co-supervised by Pr. David Lecchini (EPHE – CRIOBE).