
64 - Gairin E, Bertucci F, Roux N, Minier L, Berthe C, Waqalevu V, Maueau T, Sturny V, Tong Sang G, Mills SC & Lecchini D. 2024. Coral reef fish density at a tourist destination responded rapidly to COVID-19 restrictions. Oecologia, accepted.

63 - Raick X, Parmentier E, Gervaise C, Lecchini D, Hédouin L, Under The Pole Consortium, Pérez-Rosales G, Rouzé H, Bertucci F & Di Iorio L. 2024. Invertebrate sounds from photic to mesophotic coral reefs reveal vertical stratification and diel diversity. Oecologia, accepted.

62 - Lecchini D, Tessonneau J, Dulornne M, Gairin E, Roux N, Waqalevu V, Vignaud L, Minier L, Beaufort O, James D, René-Trouillefou M, Dromard CR & Bertucci F. 2024. Erosion vs. accretion of sandy beaches: their impacts on nursery areas of coral reef fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107:593–598.

61 - Krimou S, Raick X, Mery E, Carlot J, Carpentier C, Sowinski J, Sowinski L, Minier L, Roux N, Maueau T, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2024.  Restoring the reef: coral restoration yields rapid impacts on certain fish assemblages. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 108734.

60 - Parmentier E, Herrel A, Banse M, Hornstra H, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2024. Diving into dual functionality: swim bladder muscles in Lionfish for buoyancy and sonic capabilities. Journal of Anatomy, 244:249–259.

59 - Raick X, Collet P, Under The Pole Consortium, Lecchini D, Bertucci F & Parmentier E. 2023. Diel cycle of two recurrent fish sounds from mesophotic coral reefs. Scientia Marina, 87(4): 1-9.

58 - Minier L, Bertucci F, Raick X, Gairin E, Bischoff H, Waqalevu V, Maueaui T, Sturny V, Blin E, Parmentier E & Lecchini D. 2023. Characterization of the different sound sources within the soundscape of coastline reef habitats (Bora-Bora, French Polynesia). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 108551.

57 - Vidal M, Mills SC, Gairin E, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2023. Validation of a novel immersive Virtual Reality setup with responses of wild-caught freely-moving coral reef fish. Animal Behaviour, 206: 99-123.

56 - Gautrand L, Gairin E, Sowinski J, Sowinski L, Krimou S, Trotier M, Minier L, Chamot Z, Gourlaouen A, Waqalevu V, René-Trouillefou M, Mills SC, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2023. High densities, rapid infestation and high feeding rates of corallivore gastropods on corals in Bora-Bora Island, French Polynesia. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 66: 103125

55 - Banse M, Lecchini D, Bertucci F & Parmentier E. 2023. Reliable characterization of sound features in fishes begins in open-water environments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(1): 270-278.

54 - Gairin E, Madi Moussa R, Bertucci F, Ung P, Waqalevu V, Morschel J, Tchekemian A, Lecchini D & Bambridge T. 2023. Environmental stochasticity of spatiotemporal recruitment patterns in coral reef fish (Tahiti, French Polynesia). Journal of Coastal Research, 39(3): 484-493.

53 - Gairin E, Minier L, Claverie T, Dromard CR, Maueau T, Collin A, Frédérich B, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2023. Coral reef fish communities of natural habitats and man-made coastal structures in Bora-Bora (French Polynesia). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 153: 47–80.

52 - Minier L, Fourrière M, Gairin E, Gourlaouen A, Krimou S, Berthe C, Maueau T, Doom M, Sturny V, Mills SC, Lecchini D & Bertucci F. 2023. Roadside sales activities in a South Pacific Island (Bora-Bora) reveal sustainable strategies for local food supply during a pandemic. PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0284276.

51 - Minier L, Raick X, Gairin E, Maueau T, Sturny V, Blin E, Parmentier E, Bertucci F, Lecchini D. 2023. ‘Habitat-associated soundscape’ hypothesis tested on several coral reefs within a lagoon (Bora-Bora Island, French Polynesia). Marine Biology, 170: 61.

50 - Krimou S, Gairin E, Gautrand L, Sowinski J, Trotier M, Minier L, Bischoff H, Sturny V, Maueau T, Waqalevu V, Bulleri F, Raick X, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2023. Herbivory effects of sea urchin species on a coral reef (Bora-Bora, French Polynesia). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 564: 151900.

49 - Raick X, Di Iorio L, Lecchini D, Gervaise C, Hedouin L, Under The Pole Consortium, Pérez-Rosales G, Rouzé H, Bertucci F & Parmentier E. 2023. Fish sounds of photic and mesophotic coral reefs: variation with depth and type of island. Coral Reefs.

48 - Bertucci F, Feeney WE, Cowan ZL, Gache C, Madi Moussa R, Berthe C, Minier L, Bambridge T & Lecchini D. 2023. Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on the observed density of coral reef fish along coastal habitats of Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Regional Environmental Change, 23: 16.

47 - Feeney WE, Cowan ZL, Bertucci F, Brooker RM, Siu G, Jossinet F, Bambridge T, Galzin R & Lecchini D. 2022. COVID-19 lockdown highlights impact of recreational activities on the behaviour of coral reef fishes. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220047.

46 - Gairin E, Dussenne M, Mercader M, Berthe C, Reynaud M, Metian M, Mills SC, Lenfant P, Besseau L, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2022. Harbours as unique environmental sites of multiple anthropogenic stresses on fish hormonal systems. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 111727.

45 - Parmentier E, Scalbert R, Raick X, Gache C, Frédérich B, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2022. First use of acoustic calls to distinguish cryptic members of a fish species complex. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 195: 964–975.

44 - Calandra M, Wencélius J, Madi Moussa R, Gache C, Berthe C, Waqalevu V, Ung P, Lerouvreur F, Bambridge T, Galzin R, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2022. Local perceptions of socio-ecological drivers and effects of coastal armoring: the case of Moorea, French Polynesia. Population and Environment, 43, 423–443. 

43 - Thomsen F, Mendes S, Bertucci F, Breitzke M, Ciappi E, Cresci A, Debusschere E, Ducatel C, Folegot F, Juretzek C, Lam, FP, O’Brien J & dos Santos ME. 2021. Addressing underwater noise in Europe: Current state of knowledge and future priorities. Kellett P, van den Brand R, Alexander B, Muniz Piniella A, Rodriguez Perez A, van Elslander J & Heymans JJ (Eds). Future Science Brief 7 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium.

42 - Lecchini D, Brooker RM, Waqalevu V, Gairin E, Minier L, Berthe C, Besineau R, Blay G, Maueau T, Sturny V, Bambridge T, Tong Sang G & Bertucci F. 2021. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on coral reef fishes at eco-tourism sites in Bora-Bora, French Polynesia. Marine Environmental Research, 170: 105451.

41 - Bertucci F, Lecchini D, Greeven C, Brooker RM, Minier L, Cordonnier S, René-Trouillefou M & Parmentier E. 2021. Changes to an urban marina soundscape associated with COVID-19 lockdown in Guadeloupe. Environmental Pollution, 289: 117898.

40 - Feeney WE, Bertucci F, Gairin E, Siu G, Waqalevu V, Antoine M, Lison de Loma T, Planes S, Galzin R & Lecchini D. 2021. Long term relationship between farming damselfish, predators, competitors and benthic habitat on coral reefs of Moorea Island. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 14548.

39 - Lecchini D, Bertucci F, Fogg L, Gache C, Ung P, Lacube Y, Berthe C, Waqalevu V, Siu A & Bambridge T. 2021. Marine biodiversity of a pristine coral reef in French Polynesia. Island Studies Journal, 16: 292-307

38 - Gasc J, Gache C, Bertucci F, Madi Moussa R, Waqalevu V & Lecchini D. 2021. Effects of coastline modification on coral reef fish nurseries (Moorea, French Polynesia). Journal of Coastal Research, 37(4): 842-851

37 - Millot M, Bertucci F, Lecchini D, Smeets S, René-Trouillefou M & Parmentier E. 2021. Characteristics of sound production and associated mechanisms in the tomtate grunt, Haemulon aurolineatum (Cuvier, 1830) in Caribbean reefs. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 151: 43–56.

36 - Lecchini D, Bertucci F, Schneider D, Berthe C, Gache C., Fogg L, Waqalevu V, Maueau T, Sturny V, Bambridge T & Tong Sang G. 2021. Assessment of ecological status of the lagoon of Bora-Bora Island (French Polynesia). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 101687.

35 - Ferrier-Pagès C, Leal MC, Calado R, Schmid DW, Bertucci F, Lecchini D & Allemand D. 2021. Noise pollution on coral reefs? A yet underestimated threat to coral reef communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165: 112129.

34 - Bertucci F, Parmentier E, Hillion A, Cordonnier S, Lecchini D & René-Trouillefou M. 2021. First highlight of sound production in the glassy sweeper Pempheris schomburgkii (Pempheridae). Marine Biology, 168(3): 32. 

33 - Parmentier E, Bertucci F, Bolgan M & Lecchini D. 2021. How many fish could be vocal? An estimation from a coral reef (Moorea Island). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 151: 1-29.

32 - Waqalevu V, Besson M, Gache C, Roux N, Fogg L, Bertucci F, Métian M, Lafille MA, Maamaatuaiahutapu M, Gasset E, Saulnier D, Laudet V & Lecchini D. 2020. Interplay between hormonal and morphological changes throughout a critical period of larval rearing in the orbicular batfish.  Aquaculture Reports, 18: 100521.

31 - Lecchini D, Bertucci F, Brooker RM, Berthe C, Gasc J, Jossinet F, Ellacott S, Zipper E, Blay G, Schneider D, Sturny V & Bambridge T. 2020. Rapid localised decline of a French Polynesian coral reef following a climatic irregularity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 246: 107049.

30 - Bertucci F, Guerra AS, Sturny V, Blin E, Tong Sang G & Lecchini D. 2020. A preliminary acoustic evaluation of three sites in the lagoon of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103: 891–902.

29 - Parmentier E, Banse M, Boistel R, Compère P, Bertucci F & Colleye O. 2020. The development of hearing abilities in the shark Scyliorhinus canicula. Journal of Anatomy, 237(3): 468-477.

28 - Bertucci F, Maratrat K, Berthe C, Besson M, Guerra AS, Raick X, Lerouvreur F, Lecchini D & Parmentier E. 2020. Local sonic activity reveals potential partitioning in a coral reef fish community. Oecologia, 193: 125-134. 

27 - Jublier N, Bertucci F, Kever L, Colleye O, Ballesta L, Nemeth RS, Lecchini D, Rhodes KL & Parmentier E. 2020. Passive monitoring of phenological acoustic patterns reveals the sound of the camouflage grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30: 42-52.

26 - Lecchini D, Bertucci F, Almany J, Beaury JP & Bagnis H. 2020. Mass mortality in a Marine Educational Area on a remote South Pacific Atoll. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 151: 110836.

25 - Madi Moussa R, Bertucci F, Jorissen H, Gache C, Waqalevu VP, Parravicini V, Lecchini D & Galzin R. 2020. Importance of intertidal seagrass beds as nursery area for coral reef fish juveniles (Mayotte, Indian Ocean). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 33: 100965.

24 - Gache C, Bertucci F, Guerra AS, Calandra M, Berr T, Lafaye J, Jorissen H, Nugues MM, Cossy J & Lecchini D. 2019. Effects of Asparagopsis taxiformis metabolites on the feeding behaviour of post-larval Acanthurus triostegus. Journal of Fish Biology, 95(5): 1355-1358.

23 - Madi Moussa R, Fogg L, Bertucci F, Calandra M, Collin A, Aubanel A, Polti S, Benet A, Salvat B, Galzin R, Planes S & Lecchini D. 2019. Long-term coastline monitoring on a coral reef island (Moorea, French Polynesia). Ocean and Coastal Management, 180: 104928.

22 - Parmentier E, Solagna L, Bertucci F, Fine ML, Nakae M, Compère P, Smeets S, Raick X & Lecchini D. 2019. Simultaneous production of two kinds of sounds in relation with sonic mechanism in the boxfish Ostracion meleagris and O. cubicus. Scientific Reports, 9: 4962. 

21 - Garnier Y, Jacob H, Guerra AS, Bertucci F & Lecchini D. 2019. Evaluation of microplastic ingestion by tropical fish from Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140: 165-170.

20 - Helme H, Bertucci F, Madi Moussa R, Wolff Y & Sasal P. 2018. Temporal dynamics of the recruitment of glass eels in two valleys of French Polynesia (Tahiti and Moorea Islands). Cybium, 42(4): 341-348.

19 - Berthe C, Waqalevu VP, Latry L, Besson M, Lerouvreur F, Siu G, Lecellier G, Rummer JL, Bertucci F, Iglésias S & Lecchini D. 2018. Distribution patterns of ocellated eagle rays, Aetobatus ocellatus, along two sites in Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Cybium, 42(4): 313-320.

18 - Bertucci F, Lecchini D, Gache C, Khalife A, Besson M, Roux N, Berthe C, Sing S, Parmentier E, Nugues MM, Brooker R, Dixson DL & Hedouin L. 2018. Boat noise prevents soundscape-based habitat selection by coral planulae. Scientific Reports, 8: 9283.

17 - Bertucci F, Jacob H, Mignucci A, Gache C, Roux N, Besson M, Berthe C, Metian M & Lecchini D. 2018. Decreased retention of olfactory predator recognition in juvenile surgeon fish exposed to pesticide. Chemosphere, 208: 469-475.

16 - Raick X, Lecchini D, Kéver L, Colleye O, Bertucci F & Parmentier E. 2018. Sound production mechanism in triggerfish (Balistidae): a synapomorphy. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221: 168948.

15 - Bertucci F, Parmentier E, Berthe C, Besson M, Aubin T, Hawkins AD & Lecchini D. 2017. Snapshot recording provide a first description of the acoustic signatures of deeper habitats adjacent to coral reefs of Moorea. PeerJ 5: e4019.

14 - Besson ML, Gache C, Bertucci F, Brooker RM, Roux N, Jacob H, Berthe C, Sovrano VA, Dixson DL & Lecchini D. 2017. Exposure to agricultural pesticide impairs visual lateralization in a larval coral reef fish. Scientific Reports, 7: 9165. 

13 - Parmentier E, Di Iorio L, Picciulin M, Malavasi S, Lagardère JP & Bertucci F. 2017. Consistency in spatio-temporal sound features supports the use of passive acoustics for long-term monitoring. Animal Conservation, 21(3): 211-220.

12 -  Besson ML, Gache C, Brooker RM, Moussa RM, Waqalevu VP, Le Rohellec M, Jaouen V, Peyrusse K, Berthe C, Bertucci F, Jacob H, Brié C, Wan B, Galzin R & Lecchini D. 2017. Consistency in the supply of larval fishes among coral reefs in French Polynesia. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0178795.

11 - Parmentier E, Raick X, Lecchini D, Boyle K, Van Wassenbergh S, Bertucci F & Kever L. 2017. Unusual sound production mechanism in the triggerfish Rhinecanthus aculeatus (Balistidae). Journal of Experimental Biology, 220: 186-193.

10 - Bertucci F, Parmentier E, Lecellier G, Hawkins AD & Lecchini D. 2016. Acoustic indices provide information on the status of coral reefs: an example from Moorea Island in the South Pacific. Scientific Reports, 6: 33326.

9 -    Bertucci F, Legraverant Y, Berthe C, Brooker RM, Lo C & Lecchini D. 2016. Natural cleaning of the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera by butterflyfishes (Chaetodon) in French Polynesia. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Sciences, 182: 270-273.

8 -    Bertucci F, Parmentier E, Berten L, Brooker RM & Lecchini D. 2015. Temporal and spatial comparisons of underwater sound signatures of different reef habitats in Moorea Island, French Polynesia. PLoS ONE, 10(9): e0135733.

7 -    Bertucci F, Lejeune P, Payrot J & Parmentier E. 2015. Sound production by dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus at spawning aggregation sites. Journal of Fish Biology, 87: 400-421.

6 -    Bertucci F, Ruppé L, Van Wassenbergh S, Compère P & Parmentier E. 2014. New insights into the role of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus in the sound producing mechanism of Haemulon flavolineatum (Haemulidae). Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 3862-3869.

5 -    Bertucci F, Matos RJ & Dabelsteen T. 2014. Knowing your audience affects male-male interactions in Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). Animal Cognition, 17: 229-236.

4 -    Bertucci F, Attia J, Beauchaud M & Mathevon N. 2013. The relevance of temporal cues in a fish sound: a first experimental investigation using modified signals in cichlids. Animal Cognition, 16: 45-54.

3 -    Bertucci F, Attia J, Beauchaud M & Mathevon N. 2012. Sounds produced by the cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra allow reliable estimation of size and provide information on individual identity. Journal of Fish Biology, 80: 752-766.

2 -    Bertucci F, Scaion D, Beauchaud M, Attia J & Mathevon N. 2012. Ontogenesis of agonistic vocalizations in the cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra. Comptes Rendus de Biologie, 335: 529-534.

1 -    Bertucci F, Beauchaud M, Attia J & Mathevon N. 2010. Sounds modulate males’ aggressiveness in a cichlid fish. Ethology, 116: 1179-1188.