Frédéric BERTUCCI, Ph.D

Ecologist & Bio-acoustician


Nationality: French

Born 11 August 1984 in Ajaccio (Corsica, France)

Languages: French (mother tongue), English, Italian (fluent), Danish (rudiments).

Curriculum vitae

Formation & Research Experience

“Acoustic Communication in a Cichlid Fish: experimental analysis of the role and the structure of signals.” Supervised by Dr. Marilyn Beauchaud & Pr. Nicolas Mathevon.

“Audience effects during male-male interactions in Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens).” Final grade: 12/12. Supervised by Pr. Torben Dabelsteen.

Prize and Founding

Jan 2020: LabEx DRIIMH Research grant: 5 000€.

Jan 2019: LabEx Corail Post-Doctoral research grant (18 mo): 48 000€.

July 2018: Travel grant Air Tahiti Nui : 2 000 €.

Sep 2017: Travel grant Air Tahiti Nui : 2 000 €.

Jan 2015: Research grant of the Total Foundation (D. Lecchini): 50 000 €. 

Jan 2012: Post-doctoral research grant of the Fyssen Foundation (2 years): 50 000 €.

2010: SFECA International congress grant: 500 €           

Sept 2008: Doctoral grant of the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research.

Teaching grant of the University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne.

Specific Skills:

Analysis of acoustic signals

- Recording of fish vocalisations (lab + field).

- Analysis of specific and individual acoustic features.

- Time/frequency analysis (FFT, 1/3 octave, zero-crossing)

- Soundscapes analysis.

- Acoustic ecological indices (Acoustic Complexity Index, Acoustic Entropy, Acoustic Richness).

- Softwares used: Avisoft, Goldwave, Praat, Seewave (R package).


Statistical analysis:

- Statistica, Statview, R.


Playback experiments and signal synthesis

- Synthesis of modified signals.

- Playback experiments (lab + field).

- Choice experiments.

- Calibration of audio recorders.


Test of auditory capacities 

- Audiograms (Auditory Evoked Potential method) in fishes.



- Immuno cyto-chemistry ICC

- X-ray cinematography.

- Analysis and image treatment (Midas software).

Reviewer for International Journals:

Biological Conservation, Marine Ecology Progress Series, PLoS ONE, The Journal of Fish Biology, Continental Shelf Research, Comptes Rendus de Biologies, Ethology, Ethology Ecology and Evolution, Acta Ethologica, Journal of Biosciences.

Additional Information:

Driving Licence since September 2003.

Boat Licence since February 2015.

Level 2 Diver (ANMP).

Certificate DAN Basic Life Support Provider

Certificate DAN Oxygen First Aid Provider