The Chaplaincy


EMMI-FAICL type of chaplaincy is unknown in Canada; we are working on creating the service (2010-2014).

Les Ministères ERIC MICHEL Ministries International is an interdenominational chaplaincy based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Founded 2012 in the Province of Quebec, it has many French and English members and followers.

Incorporated at Industry Canada on 2014.07.14 under the number 895170-5 as a Non-Profit Religious Organisation called Chaplaincy.

The purposes of Eric Michel Ministries International are to promote the Christian faith; to educate its members, congregants, and the public about Christian values, history and religious tradition; to develop Christian educational, theological, spiritual and inspirational material for the benefit of its members, congregations and the general public; to promote charitable acts and causes; to foster fellowship and goodwill among its members, congregants and the public; to promote reason in religion, religious tolerance and freedom of conscience; to promote the moral, ethical and responsible exercise of free will; to promote a free society.

One branch of the chaplaincy is to reach the truckers with the Gospel Message in a setting where he/she is familiar on and off-road with and through the Chaplaincy.

EMMI Chaplaincy is a complete volunteer ministry to the First Responders (Mainly Firefighters),  Truckers and Travelers of Eastern Canada, added with our Saint Francis Ministry to the animals and their owners. This non-profit ministry relies on the Lord and His people to direct the Gospel Message through our Chaplains.

EMMI provides Chaplaincy service to EMS, Fire, Paramedic and Police agencies on-scene and “behind the scene,” emphasizing Critical Incident Stress mitigation. The services offered by Emergency Ministries are, without regard to religious affiliation, on issues such as fatalities involving children, multiple fatality accidents, deaths of co-workers, marital problems, substance abuse issues and the like.

“To come alongside first responders who experience extraordinary human events daily and to offer them emotional and spiritual support services.”

EMMI is a group of specially trained Chaplains who respond to the needs of our first responder community. Founded in August of 2011, we are a non-profit corporation, registered Ministry of Eric Michel Ministries International - 2014.

To become an EMMI Chaplain, one requirement is to have “Worn the Badge.” This means that each of our Chaplains has served as a first

responder as is or has been qualified as an Emergency Responder. We are EMMI Chaplains, a multi-denominational-based chaplaincy organization headquartered in Ottawa. We are a non-profit organization and serve the community, including Fire, Police & EMS agencies. We currently serve 4 Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and accept applications for new chaplains. We are training new members via our partners and supporting those with experience. We are from various religious backgrounds, which makes EMMI unique in providing on-scene services.

General Information

Started in 2010 by Founder Eric Michel, this mission to truckers is supported by those who desire to provide an opportunity for salvation by belief in Christ. The founding date is Ministries 1978, and the Chaplaincy is in 2010.

Very Small Community

Why are we so small? It is because we are a chaplaincy, and our task after our first response is to refer to their parish pastor. We work with emergency services personnel providing the same kind of support as do chaplains working with law enforcement and sometimes face even greater danger, working with the wounded in often hazardous surroundings. Our work is similar to that of pastors in many respects. We provide counselling and spiritual ministry to those in need, are associated with the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical, and offer counselling and care on location in the community. We minister within the spirituality of the person we serve. Also, you will see us often in other churches; the main reason is to create links in our community for future referrals.

A chaplain is a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, or lay representative of a world

view attached to a secular institution such as a hospital, prison, military unit, police department, university, or private chapel. Though initially, the word "chaplain" referred to representatives of the Christian faith, it is now applied to men and women of other religions or philosophical traditions–such as in the case of humanist Belgium. In recent years, many lay individuals have received professional training in chaplaincy and are now appointed to work alongside or instead of official members of the clergy. The concept of 'generic' and/or 'multifaith' chaplaincy is also gaining increasing support, particularly within healthcare and educational settings.

Chaplaincy Services:

This type of chaplaincy does not exist in Quebec, even Canada; we are working on creating the service. We need help. We seek workers/volunteers for chaplain work, support and assistant chaplains.  Looking for ex-officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel.

Ce genre d'aumônerie n'exiiste pas au Quebec et au Canada , nous travaillons a le metre sur pied. Nous avons besoins de l'aide. Nous chercons des travailleurs/travailleuses volontaires pour faire le travaille d'aumônier, d'aide aumônerie et d'assitant aumônerie. Recherchons ex-policiers, pompiers ou ambulanciers

Un Aumônier/Aumônière c'est distribuer les aumônes aux pauvres et de célébrer le culte dans sa chapelle particulière. De nos jours un aumônier est le clerc ou le laïc de n'importe quelle religion mandaté pour apporter un soutien matériel ou spirituel à des groups particuliers en des lieux précis (couvent, école, armée, prison, hôpital), ou à des associations d'inspiration religieuse On peux dire Chapelain aussi:

Services de l'aumônerie

Franciscan Abbey of the Immanuel Communion of Love (FAICL)

Third Order of Saint Francis Ministry (OFE)



New Brunswick

Nova Scotia