
Essential actions to ensure technology infrastructure, assets, and guidance support an organized transition to classroom instruction.

Essential Actions

Ensure an easy process exists for students, parents, and staff to receive help

Provide an fast & easy communication tool, monitored by District Technology Team, 21st Century Teachers, Media Techs and record a loop of open & resolved history for each request (damaged, lost/stolen, wifi, application login issues, system availability, District contact)

Submit a request for help and contact support (students and parents)

Submit a request for help and support (staff)

Ensure students and staff have necessary equipment, software, and support

All students are using their District-provided iPad, MacBook and applications at home. Students were surveyed about their wifi capability and wifi hotspots were provided to students where bandwidth was an issue.

Create and publish a central location for Technology-related resources and communication

FAQs, System Statuses, Jotform (closed-loop for help requests), Help Desk

Maintain a resource of Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Provide statuses of major websites, applications and systems