Return to School 2020

Fraser Public Schools 2020

The purpose of this website is to outline the approach that Fraser Public Schools took to prepare for K-12 schooling for the 2020-2021 academic year. The District adopted a collaborative and research-based approach to align its teaching and learning framework with the State of Michigan’s 6 phases of the MI Safe Start Plan and MI Safe Schools Return to School Road Map.

As of today, Michigan is in Phase 4 of the state’s Safe Start Plan. Upon declaration of Phase 5 – Containing, K-12 schools will be able to resume live instruction with modified “stay safe” guidelines.

Fraser has established 5 ad hoc committees composed of Fraser employee stakeholders to anticipate needs, explore options and provide the Central Leadership Team with considerations for implementation. We will be using the Return to Schools Map to guide our recommendations for next steps.

In addition, the District conducted two surveys (community and staff) that provided critical input to the committees and to the Central Leadership Team.