He will be judged and after his judgment the kingdom will fall to the descendants of the saints (Rev 20)
He leaves the Christian church, goes out from the believers (Antichrist is a "Christian") (1 John 2:19)
He was never a true believer in Jesus Christ, not a true follower of Christ (1 John 2:19)
He claims to posses the gift of prophecy, Satan enables him to come into the world and poses all kinds public signs and wonders, and lying miracles; (Thessalonians 2:9)
He denies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4:3, 2 John 7)
He denies that Jesus is the Christ but not the concept of a Christ (1 John 2:22)
He denies the unity of the Father and the Son - Non Trinitarian (1 John 2:22-23)
He has a powerful, captivating presence - of fierce countenance. (Daniel 8:23)
He is a "false prophet" (Revelation 13:13; Revelation 19:20 )
He is a man of sin; called Wicked; opposes all deities; exalts himself above the god of every religion and above every object of worship (2 Thessalonians 2:1–12)
He is called a king, a political power, ruler of a nation before he is manifested as antichrist. (Rev 13)
He is called as a beast because he is a world ruler (Rev 13)
He is the "spirit of error" (1 John 4:6)
He is the eleventh horn arising among the ten horns (Rev 13)
He reigns up until the second coming of Christ (Timing)
He shall come at "the last time"; so his coming is future (Timing)
He will attempt to destroy all of Israel. (Rev 12)
He will be a commercial genius. (Dan. 11:43; Rev 13:8)
He will be a man, real human being (2Th 2:3)
He will be a master of deceit. (2 Thessalonians 2:10)
He will be a military genius. (Rev 6:2, 13:2)
He will be a political genius. (Rev 17:11-12)
He will be a religious genius. (2 Thessalonians 2:4, Rev 13:8)
He will be an intellectual genius. (Dan. 8:23)
He will be an oratorical genius. (Dan. 11:36)
He will be broken by Jesus Christ without so much as lifting his hand. (2 Thessalonians 2:8)
He will be cast into the bottomless pit for 1000 years, and then cast into hell (Revelation 20)
He will be energized by satan himself. (Rev 13:2)
He will be manifested to the world seven years, prior to the second coming (Timing)
He could be a Jew, from the tribe of Dan (Could be potentially a Syrian Jew) Revelation 7:4–8
He will be the first creature thrown into the lake of fire. (Rev 19:20)
He will be utterly crushed by the Lord Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. (Rev 19)
He will begin by controlling the Western power block. (Rev 17:12)
He will briefly rule over all nations. (Ps. 2; Dan. 11:36; Rev 13:16)
He will communicate with the world by means of an image of himself that can speak and has the power to observe compliance (TRANSHUMANISM/ bio-engineering?) (Rev 13:15-17)
He will demand worship, the world must bow before the image or be decapitated (Rev 13:15)
He will destroy the false religious system so that he may rule unhindered. (Rev 17:16-17)
He will do everything according to his own selfish will. (Dan. 11:36)
He will make "war with the saints" and prevail against them (Rev 13)
He will make a seven-year covenant with Israel but will break it after three and a half years. (Dan. 9:27)
He will not come until there is a general falling away from the faith (Timing)
He will not have the desire of women. (Dan. 11:37)
He will not regard the God of his fathers. Dan. 11:37)
He will profane the temple. Matt. 24:15)
He will set himself up as God. (Dan. 11:36-37; 2 Thess. 2:4, 11; Rev 13:5)
He will sit in the Jewish temple as a means to show the wold that he is the God of the Jews (Temple - might be our body/mind) (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
He will speak against the Most High (Daniel 7:25)
He will suffer a wound to the head unto death but recover with the loss of sight in one eye and lame in one arm (might be symbolism here?!?/ Syria) (Rev 13)
He will think to change times and laws (nullify Jewish calendar? / in position to form national policy); the God ordained prophetic calendar. (Daniel 7:25)
His god will be the god of power. (Dan. 11:38)
His ministry is based on deception, a "deceiver" and very effective. (1 John 2:22)
His name will be a numerical value of 666 (Rev 13)
He will come in the guise of bringing peace to the world he will destroy many (Daniel 8:25)