Week 9

Class Ground Rules

READ (at least twice): Hilma Wolitzer – “Today a Woman Went Mad at the Supermarket,” (from Today a Woman Went Mad at the Supermarket, 2021, Bloomsbury Publishing). PDF posted below.

A pregnant woman encounters a mother having a breakdown in the supermarket.

Think About:

“Writing fiction is a solitary occupation, but not really a lonely one. The writer's head is mobbed with characters, images and language, making the creative process something like eavesdropping at a party for which you've had the fun of drawing up the guest list. Loneliness usually doesn't set in until the work is finished, and all the partygoers and their imagined universe have disappeared.” — Hilma Wolitzer

Wolitzer - Today A Woman Went Mad.pdf

Purely Optional: Listen to Meg Wolitzer interview her mother, Hilma Wolitzer. 

Start listening at 49:10 by moving the slider (vertical line) in the file below.

Hilma Wolitzer Biography

Hilma Wolitzer's first published work, at age 9, was a poem in the Junior Inspector's Club Journal, sponsored by the New York City Department of Sanitation. She was in her 30s when her first short story was published, and 44 when her first novel came out. A devoted wife and mother, she fit writing in around her household tasks, typing manuscripts at the kitchen table and storing them in the freezer to protect them in case of fire.   Read more...