Week 10

Class Ground Rules

READ (at least twice): Hilma Wolitzer – “The Great Escape,” (from Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket, 2021, Bloomsbury Publishing). PDF posted below.

A woman contemplates her long marriage against the backdrop of the unfolding pandemic.

Think About:

More to Think About: Summing Up Hilma Wolitzer

Though it is hardly fair based on only the two stories we've read and discussed:

AND Finally:

“When I was in graduate school, Hilma Wolitzer, my most brilliant teacher, pulled me aside and told me that, when I’d finished a story, I should grade every sentence as either an A or a B.  The great, glittery ones got A’s, the perfectly presentable ones got B’s. Then, said Hilma, I should go back and reconsider all the A sentences. Because they were the sentences that were more about their own power and beauty than they were in service to the story.  They were the show-offy sentences, the demonstrations of my own precocity, and they needed to be calmed down a little. I’ve tried to follow Hilma’s advice ever since.” Michael Cunningham, Pulitzer Prize winning author.

Wolitzer - Great Escape.pdf