
*Keynote * Evening Lecture * Plenary * Invited *

Keynote Speaker

Prem Kumar, Northwestern University (USA)

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Director of Center for Photonic Communication and Computing

Quantum Communications and Networking

24/09/2021, 09:30-10:45 IST
Hall A

Evening Lecture

Ajoy Ghatak

National Academy of Sciences, India

Ten Most Beautiful Experiments in Science

Evening Lecture on Friday 24/09/2021 at 18:00 IST
Hall A

Plenary Speakers

GP Agrawal, University of Rochester (USA)

Nonlinear Gradient-Index Optics

Saturday - 25/09/2021, 9:00 -9:45 IST
Hall A

C. Jagadish, Australian National University (Australia)

Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics, Energy and Neuroscience Applications

Saturday 25/09/21, 9:45-10:30 IST
Hall A

T. Yatagai, Utsunomiya University (Japan)

3D display by computer-generated hologram - How to make an ultra-wide viewing zone?

Saturday 25/09/21, 14:00-14:45 IST
Hall A

J. Ojeda-Castaneda, Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)

Tunable Optical Devices: Helical Pairs

Sunday 26/09/21, 9:00-9:45 IST
Hall A

G. Popescu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

Phase Imaging with Computational Specificity (PICS) for Biomedical Applications

Sunday 26/09/21, 9:45-10:30 IST
Hall A

Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, ICFO (Spain)

Flexible- Light

Sunday 26/09/21, 14:00-14:45 IST
Hall A

Invited Speakers
Hall A * Hall B * Hall C * Hall D