Food and Health Lab

Our research focuses on precision nutrition and toxicology. We have two main research directions: (1) elucidate the specific lipid metabolic pathways, enzymes, and metabolites in the health effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, to develop personalized nutrition and individualized health strategies, and (2) determine the specific gut microbes and gut microbial enzymes in the metabolism and health effects of dietary or environmental compounds, to establish the gut microbes or gut microbial enzymes as potential predictive markers for precision nutrition or toxicology. Overall, our research seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms for the health effects of dietary and/or environmental compounds, in order to better understand their metabolic individualities, address inter-individual susceptibilities, and clarify their health effects.


We have made substantial progress in our research with publications in Science Translational Medicine 2018, PNAS 2018, Cancer Research 2019, Gut Microbes 2019, Gut Microbes 2019, PNAS 2020, Redox Biology 2021, Science of the Total Environment 2021, Journal of Hazard Materials 2021, Nature Communications 2022, Journal of Hazard Materials 2022, and FASEB J 2023.

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