
"I don't care that I'm half blind, I can still see with this half, so I can still hunt!" - Bluegaze


Name: Bluegaze

Future names: --

Blue = his blue-gray fur and blue eyes

gaze = referring to his one blind eye which is a milky blue

Past names: Bluekit, Bluepaw

Age: 21 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: Bluegaze is a blue-gray tom with short fur. He has a right blue eye, but his left eye is blind and a milky green colour. (HERE)

Rank: Warrior

Clan: SkyClan

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Mother: Open

Father: Open

Siblings: Open

Parental Figures: --

Friends: Open

Mentor: --

Kits: N/A

Love Interest: Turtleshell (@CandyFlossCat)

Mate: Turtleshell [future] (@CandyFlossCat)


Bluegaze is very cheerful, and doesn't let his blind eye get him down. He loves to spend time with his clanmates, whether it's talking, hunting, or just grooming each other. He doesn't care if cats tease him about his blindness, and just ignores them.

Motto: "I don't care that I'm half blind, I can still see with this half, so I can still hunt!"


Prey: Woodpecker

Activity: Socialising

Cat: --

Season: New-leaf


Bluegaze sometimes randomly walks up to cats, says hello then leaves.




Fogkit woke up, and yawned. She started cleaning her long, grey smoky fur. She always had to clean it when it when she woke up, so it wouldn't stick up in all directions at once, which annoyed her greatly. She scanned the nursery from her nest in the corner, observing everything. Fogkit didn't have many friends, and didn't know many other kits in the nursery as she usually just watched the kits play their games with each other. What to do, what to do... she wondered. Maybe some kit wants to play? She continued observing from her mossy nest, her yellow eyes darting from side to side.