
Name- Emily but everyone calls her Em

Age- 12 years old

Gender- Female

Personality- Em is a very bookworm-ish person, and loves to read. You can usually find her in a library and reading a book. Although she is not the most social person, she likes to hang out with her 1-2 best friends, and do random stuff like play games. She is very logical, but loves to write fictional/fantasy stories. SHe is easily annoyed, and not easily impressed. She has a higher-than-average pain tolerance, and is not afraid to resort to violence to get what she wants, although she doesn't need to often. Sometimes when playing with people, she can get a bit too rough though.

Looks- Em has broad shoulders and is of a very stocky build, but let's just say she isn't the skinniest person in the world. She has short brown hair in a messy bob kind of hairstyle. She has blue/gray eyes and wears glasses, which at the front are the same colour as her hair and the rest is orange.

Power- Shapeshift into any type of animal, and sometimes into person, but requires immense concentration and must have seen the person in real life and from own eyes before.

Pets?- None

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- This girl is independant and will stay that way. She don't care about boys.

Friends- Open

New or have been here a while?- Been here since she was 2

Was brought of born here?- Brought here