About me

Hi! I'm Foggy, and here is some more info about me! You don't have to read it, but I might as well put it up, seeing as I've seen other people do it, so yeah.

Name: Foggy / Emily / Em / Fog

Age: 12

Location: Yeah, I'm not telling you that

Personality: I think I am an ambivert/imbivert. If you don't know what that means, search it up. I LOVE to read, and Warrior Cats is probably my favourite book series right now. I also really like Harry Potter, and I mostly read fantasy and animal books. Another thing I love to do is write fiction, but I hate writing essays, speeches, or anything non-fictional in particular. I have quite a sweet tooth, and love chocolate. I can be quite stubborn, and I am also easily annoyed. Sometimes I can also become very shy, especially when I'm surrounded by adults I don't know very well. I also love animals, especially dogs and cats, and I want to become a vet when I grow up, or an optometrist.

Appearance: I have short brown hair, in a bob kind of hairstyle. My eyes are a blueish-grayish colour, and I wear glasses, which, at the front, are brown, about the same colour as my hair, and the rest is orange.

Favourite colour: Dark blue (the best kind of blue)

Some of my obsessions: Warrior Cats, Hamilton Musical

Hmm, I don't know what else to put here, so that's it, folks! I hope you enjoyed and that you like my all of my characters.