Research & Projects

Research explained by topics and project history


Personalized Food Recommendation & Computational Cooking (음식 개인화 추천 & 자동화 조리)

Food Pairing System

KitcheNette: Predicting and Recommending Food Ingredient Pairings using Siamese Neural Networks  (IJCAI 2019.)

Food-Chemical Compound Graph

FlavorGraph: A large-scale food-chemical graphf or generating food representations and recommending food pairing (Scientific Reports 2021.)

Recipe Recommendation System

RecipeBowl: A Cooking Recommender for Ingredients and Recipes using Set Transformer (IEEE ACCESS 2021.)

Precision Nutrition (정밀 영양)

NLP Tasks (자연어 처리)


AI 활용 신제품 배합비 개발 솔루션 개발 

Rsearch Grant | 중소기업기술정보진흥원 | ‘신제품' 레시피(재료 배합 비율)을 제안할 수 있는 AI모델 구축 with 풀무원

2024.01. ~ 2024.12. (1 year)

Attending as a co-researcher

최적의 ‘한식 소스' 레시피(재료 배합 비율)을 제안할 수 있는 AI모델 구축 

Industry Project | 최적의 ‘한식 소스' 레시피(재료 배합 비율)을 제안할 수 있는 AI모델 구축 with 풀무원

2022.09. ~ 2024.08. (2 year)

Attending as a P.I.

Building a Food Commonsense Knowledgebase towards Gastronomy

Industry Project | Sony AI - Gastronomy Flagship Project

2022.06. ~ 2023.05. (1 year)

Attending as a co-researcher

AI-based personalized health care system considering food paring and precision nutrition | 인공지능 기반 식재료 페어링 및 정밀 영양을 고려한 개인화 헬스케어 시스템 연구

Research Grant | National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단)

2022.06. ~ 2025.02. (3 years)

Attending as a P.I.

AI-based food pairing and recommendation system | 인공지능 기반 식재료 페어링 및 추천 시스템

Research Grant | National Research Foundation of Korea (세종대학교)

2022.03. ~ 2023.02. (1 year)

Attending as a P.I.

Two-handed Design: Development of Food Personality Framework Using Mixed Method Needfinding

Joint Research | Stanford University FoodInno Lab

2021.06. ~ 2021.12. (6 months)

Attending as a co-researcher

Building an AI cooking model for recommending novel combinations of food ingredients and cooking instructions according to user preference and cooking constraints

Industry Project | Sony AI - Gastronomy Flagship Project

2021.06. ~ 2022.05. (1 year)

Attending as a co-researcher