Principal Investigator (P.I.)

Donghyeon Park, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Data Science

College of Software Convergence

Sejong University

Office: Daeyang AI Center 707 | Tel: +82-2-3408-1946

Student Office: Daeyang AI Center 731

[CV-english] [CV-한국어]

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Work Experience

Sejong University  (Current)                                                                     2022. 03. - Present

Korea University                                                                                        2020. 08. - 2022. 02. (1 year 6 months)

SONY AI x Robotics x Cooking                                                                2019. 11. - 2020. 03. (4 months)

Opinion8 - The start-up company                                                           2015. 07 - 2016. 02. (8 months)

Daumsoft                                                                                                    2014. 06. - 2014. 08. (3 months)


Korea University, Seoul, South Korea                                       2017. 03. - 2020. 08.

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea                                        2015. 03 - 2017. 02.

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea                                        2011. 03. - 2015. 02.