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Postdoc Positions on Drosophila neuroscience in Taiwan

3 postdoc positions are available at the Dr. Ann-Shyn Chiang’s group in Brain Research Center (BRC) at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Dr. Chiang’s lab is well-known for the contribution in connectomics, learning and memory in Drosophila.

Dr. Chiang is a current Academician of Academia Sinica, Dean of College of Life Science, Director of BRC in Taiwan and member of Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind at the University of California, San Diego. The research groups in BRC have very broad and diverse interests in neuroscience, including learning and memory, connectomics, genes and diseases, neural computation, innovative technology in brain science and X-ray 3D tomography.

The research team led by Dr. Chiang has many great achievements in the last 2 decades, including inventing world-first tissue clearing, discoveries of odor representation in the higher brain centers via a circuit shunting mechanism, long-term memory stored in only few brain neurons and construction of 3D fly brain database at single neuron resolution. His team is also dedicated to construct new technologies for brain research, such as automated laser tracking and optogenetic manipulation system (ALTOMS), light-sheet functional imaging and super-resolution microscopy. His team also collaborates with many good scientists in Taiwan and abroad. Many previous studies are published in highly impacted journals, such as Cell, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communication, Science and Current Biology.

One of the most challenging and unanswered questions in neuroscience is how and where memory is formed and stored. Dr. Chiang’s team has spent many years in studying molecular and cellular mechanisms of aversive long-term memory in Drosophila. To understand the underlying mechanisms at circuitry level, the team is adapting comprehensive methods and directions, including functional imaging, super-resolution microscopy, optogenetics, behavior, electrophysiology and network simulations. We are still seeking for new talents and expertise to work together.

According to the International Postdoctoral Scholarship Program funded by MOST in Taiwan, Dr. Ann-Shyn Chiang’s lab at the Brain Research Center now has 3 positions for American postdocs. The main purpose of this program is to strengthen the academic relationship between Taiwan. We welcome 3 ideal candidates highly motivated and intrigued by fascinating questions in neuroscience. Prior experience in neuroscience is preferred but not a prerequisite. Successful and motivated candidates wishing to switch from other fields will also be considered. Interested individuals may send your CV, publications, and contact Dr. Chiang via email : or Dr. Weng : / For more information.

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目前我們主要使用的研究方法有行為學、光遺傳學、各式顯微鏡學以及電生理學。我們也與國內外許多頂尖的研究學者及優秀的研究團隊有很好的長期合作關係,從不同的角度和使用不同的研究方法,鑽研腦神經科學這項 21世紀中最重要的學門。選擇加入我們團隊,一起在台灣開拓重要的神經科學議題吧!


腦科學研究中心與生命科學院:腦科學研究中心提供博士生基本助學薪資20,000元/月(如外加生科院助學金共40,000元/月),依成果表現每年增調補助,最高可達 50,000元

腦科學研究中心與中研院應用科學所的菁英博士培育計畫:腦科學研究中心與中央研究院應用科學所簽訂了合作備忘錄,以深化教學與研究領域的互動。通過審查的博士生將為應科所與腦科學研究中心共同指導之學生,每月將可領取 40,000~50,000 獎助金。

建教合作人才培育計畫:腦科學研究中心與元利儀器股份公司簽訂人才培育計畫,以培育顯微技術相關人才。通過審查的博士班學生,每月將可領取 40,000~50,000 獎助金。

此外,生命科學院也有多項獎學金可申請,詳情請見 生命科學院 相關連結。

傑出人才可出國參加國際學術會議、參加高階訓練課程、進行國際合作異地研究。若您是碩士生,目前我們能提供最高12,500元 的助學薪資。歡迎各位的加入!




【工作地址】新竹市光復二段101號 清華大學 清華實驗室 5F 腦科學研究中心





【薪資待遇】學士最低 32000元/月 碩士最低 37000元/月,可依表現調薪。

【聯絡方式】請將下列資料以電子郵件方式寄至 03-5715131 分機:33488 (馮冠霖)

           1) 履歷自傳(請附照片)、學歷掃描檔

           2) 證照或其他有利資料





【工作地址】新竹市光復二段101號 清華大學 清華實驗室 5F 腦科學研究中心









1. 學經歷

2. 自傳

3. 生涯規劃

4. 或其他有利資料


請將簡歷寄至 BRC 陳俊朝 信箱 或 主旨請寫上:應徵研究助理_姓名。 03-5715131 分機:33488


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