Ann-Shyn Chiang Lab

重要訊息 : 國立清華大學腦科學研究中心江安世老師實驗室歡迎大學以下學生加入進行專題研究,為配合學校行事曆,請於每年 6月前來信申請,並提供一頁 study plan。實驗室會再統一公告相關研究主題,並安排面談和後續申請事宜。

For the summer internships in Prof. Ann-Shyn Chiang's Lab, the ongoing project is Optogenetic valence. The application is open until June each year and all applicants will need to submit a study plan (one page A4). 


學習一般需要重複多次,才能由暫時的短期記憶固化為永久的長期記憶。神經科學家約30年前就知道,CREB基因轉錄因子在多次間斷式的學習後會活化,進而觸發一系列新蛋白質的合成而形成長期記憶。但為何有些事件我們經歷一次就永久記得? 是不一樣的分子機制嗎? 清華大學腦科學研究中心團隊以果蠅的嗅覺與電擊關聯性學習測試,發現腦神經網路是以一種「雙開關機制」來調控長期記憶的形成。 



Drosophila Memory Connectome

To understand how the brain controls behavior and cognition, our interdisciplinary team is the first among the world to construct the 3D fly brain database at single neuron resolution. This makes the team featured in The New York Times article, titled "Decoding the Human Brain, With Help From a Fly". Base on this map, we also found that learning-induced new protein synthesis occur in only few brain neurons for the formation of long-term memory and pulished in Science magzine. Our team will continously focus on understanding how pairing external odor information with punishment or reward forms long-term memory in fruit flies.



Ann-Shyn Chiang Ph. D. 江安世 教授
