Radio Telephony

Good use of the radio - concisely communicating the correct information at the right time using the standard formats, is an important contribution to safety. More many it is source of pride and  satisfaction in itself.

Below are:


I am happy to provide zoom based training for the practical FRTOL exam. I am an ex CAA examiner, currently work as an Air- Ground Operator at Enstone (ROCC) and am a FI(S) 

Note also that each year the British Gliding Association provides an online training course for a nominal fee. It is delivered during the winter over six evenings.  While aimed at the glider pilot it is relevant to all including power pilots - I thoroughly recommend this course and its associated training materials. Click here for details BGA online coure

'Self-teach' resources

See the Flying Reporter on YouTube - he has lots of RT practical examples 

Am I ready for the practical examination?

Can I write out the formats (structure) of the following?

When practicing do I use these terms when I should and not use them inappropriately?

     When practicing do I know when to prefix my calls with:

When practicing am I fluent and do I reliably and correctly place my call sign at the beginning or at the end of a transmission as appropriate?

The above is not comprehensive but if you can answer 'yes' to all these questions  then you are well on your way to being ready for the exam

Finally, see SRG 1171 and use as a guide - make sure you understand and can deliver everything in section 2