2020 | Chiptune

At the start of the year I was starting to feel worn out with FL Studio, so I decided to make some shitty chiptune again.

Crisp Packets

Chips are cool

I didn't actually start off with a crispy song, I started with square.

I only used square waves asides from drums. Easy.

Prawn Cocktail
Made this during class, really like it honestly.

Chilli Heatwave
Really Intense Video Game Music.
Made Most of this in form, but a little more in music.

I spent 3 months chiptune-less, I was trippin` out.

Haha, funny pun.

My chiptune game picked up for no reason.

trippin' out

Chiptune pads are the best thing to happen to humanity.

Made another crispy song, like how this one came out, quite long though.

Feels quite nostalgic for some reason... Maybe because that's the vibe i was going for?

Non-existant nostalgia but hey.


Listen to the OG version here.
Feels quite nostalgic for some reason... Maybe because that's the vibe I was going for?
Unfortunately, when I first put the song on Newgrounds something went wrong with the way I exported it and it kinda sounded like shit.

Later, I went ahead and Remastered the song in FL Studio, mixing it and all in there.

You can listen to the Remaster here.
I also made a music video, which is embedded right next to this text.