2019 | Fruity Loops

Around September of 2019, I decided to learn how to use FL Studio. My first few songs were trash, then i made a few bangers, then back to trash it was.

First Songs.

Learning FL Studio

Now, at this point I had already known my way around Fruity Loops. When FLS12 had just came out i made some horrible monsters with the samples. Learning wasn't hard at this point.

first song, no mixing, default drums, minisynth.

Fruity Pluck
pretty much same as wankingman but a bit better. I learned about flex but honestly, this sounds shit and i dont even think i used it much anyway.

Starting to get the hang of it.

Flufflet logo, simple background with noise, random object, song name in circle text, apply shitloads of filters, done.

At this point I had learnt my way around FL and was starting to get the hang of it. Only really used sounds from FLEX and the 808 preset drums.

Flux Overflow
To this day, this is probably one of my favourite creations. I properly used FLEX and used quite a little bit of mixing.

Blast Processing
More of the same, some guy told me it was a masterpiece.

The Beginning of the end.
Unreleased song. Kinda cool.

Artificial Accomplishments
I found out what effects were. I also ditched the industrialism.

Hope Regained
Another Unreleased song. Kind of cool as well.

We're going places...

Open Sytrus, Get some Arps, We vibin.

I was starting to produce actual good stuff now.

Reality Complex
My most popular song on newgrounds. Quite peaceful and atmospheric. nice

Terminal Velocity
Holy shit my song blew up. To celebrate 420 listens on Reality Complex, this happened.

A test of ambience.
A test of ambience.

Synth Runner
I tried to make synthwave but I made... I don't know what the fuck this is.

Shadow Processing
Atmospheric. Arpeggiating. Beats. 164 BPM. You know it's good.

Syphon Simulation
More of the same, doesn't live up to the name.

Now I'm getting experienced...

Gross beat is a thing.

At this point I was starting to get experienced, and the last song of the year was an absolute banger.

Vital Integrity
Pretty cool song not going to lie.

Acidic Dreams
Hey, I learned gross beat exists. Might be a bit too forced though.

Neural Overdrive
Ended the year with an absolute banger. Used gross beat to make unique melodies, and had distortion which sounds decent.