LEAP on the Hub!

Explore monthly highlights and get quick links to resources to help you plan after-school activities that are perfect for your group.

November STEM

Combine STEM, Maker Space, and literacy programming by creating a cipher wheel to decode secret messages. Encourage your group to combine their math and language skills to solve problems together! 

Click on the image for a video showing how to make a cipher wheel. Click on the links below to explore the full programming Expansion Pack, get the quick guide, or download a set of printer-friendly cipher templates.

Cipher Wheel Quick Guide

Interactive Ciphers and Secret Codes Expansion Pack

Cipher Wheel Template

Alphabet Cipher Template

Grid Code / Pigpen Cipher Template

Ciphers and Secret Codes - page 1 - Activity Expansion Pack.pdf
Ciphers and Secret Codes - page 2 - Activity Expansion Pack.pdf
Ciphers and Secret Codes - page 3 - Activity Expansion Pack.pdf
Ciphers and Secret Codes - page 4 - Activity Expansion Pack.pdf

November Book Club

This month, we're hearing powerful stories about Native American heritage, learning how language expresses experience, and showing gratitude. 

Click HERE for a quick guide to the November Book Club and Activities.

Chester Nez and the Unbreakable Code - One Page Read Aloud Guide.pdf
We Are Water Protectors
A Squiggly Story - One Page Read Aloud Guide.pdf
See the Cat

Chester Nez and the Unbreakable Code

recommended for 1st - 5th grade readers

reserve a copy HERE

Chester Nez learned English when he went to boarding school, but he kept his Navajo language and culture in his heart. How will he and his Navajo friends use their language to create a secret code that no one can break? 

GOOD FOR - Native American Heritage, Ciphers & Secret Codes, The Power of Language 

We Are Water Protectors

recommended for K - 5th grade readers

reserve a copy HERE

This book tells a Native American legend about a Black Snake that will poison the water and destroy the land. What can a young girl and her village do to fight for all the Earth's creatures, especially those who cannot stand up for themselves? 

GOOD FOR - Native American Heritage, The Power of Language 

A Squiggly Story

recommended for K - 4th grade readers

reserve a copy HERE

A boy begins writing his first story but doesn’t know how to finish it. He shares it with his classmates, who each have their own ideas for how it should end. Will he be able to become the boss of his own story and write his own ending? 

GOOD FOR - The Power of Language, Ciphers & Secret Codes 


See the Cat

recommended for PreK - 3rd grade readers

reserve a copy HERE

Max the Dog discovers that he is a character in a book, but he's not so sure that he likes where this story is headed.  Will he be able to outsmart the narrator to get the ending he wants? 

GOOD FOR - The Power of Language

Fall Sensory Poem

materials - paper; pencils, crayons, or markers 

Write a poem about what you feel and experience in the fall.

Watch this short video to learn more!

good for - We Are Water Protectors, The Power of Language 

November Activities

The activities below can be used throughout the month to support the November Book Club selections and encourage youth to explore the power of language.

Honor Native American heritage by writing a poem that reflects on your relationship with nature. Explore teaching resources from the Smithsonian Institute for additional program ideas to celebrate this month.

For information about how your group can participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) check out these educator resources.

Mood Check-in Wheel

materials - paper plate; construction paper; scissors; crayons or markers; metal fastener  

Watch the video instructions or check out more ways to use this activity in your programming with the Reading Champs.

good for - Chester Nez and the Unbreakable Code, The Power of Language 

Silly Sentences

materials - index cards; markers or pencils; paper; crayons 

good for - See the Cat, The Power of Language 

No Peeking!

materials - pictures from books or magazines; paper; pencils or crayons   

good for - See the Cat, The Power of Language 

Caption This!

materials - pictures from books or magazines; paper; pencils, markers, or crayons 

Watch this short video to learn more!

good for - A Squiggly Story, The Power of Language 

Play and Make Word Games

What Am I - Writing Is Everywhere Guide.pdf
Codenames - One Page Game Guide.pdf
Telestrations - One Page Game Guide.pdf

Additional Resources

Use the navigation bar to search for previous monthly highlights with LEAP on the Hub!