Field Update Button

Lightning Record Page Component

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Created by Eric Smith - August 2018


This is a generic Lightning Component to use a button to set a single field value in a record.

I created this to replace JavaScript buttons that I had primarily been using to set values in fields with the purpose of triggering a Process Builder.

Sample JavaScript Button

This is a sample JavaScript button that sets the value of a custom field in the Opportunity record.


var myquery = "SELECT Id, Name, Trigger_OSP__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '{!Opportunity.Id}' limit 1"; 

sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}"; 
result = sforce.connection.query(myquery); 
records = result.getArray("records"); 

var myObject = records[0]; 
var updateRecord = new Array(); 

myObject.Trigger_OSP__c = true; 

result = sforce.connection.update(updateRecord); 

window.location = "/" + "{!Opportunity.Id}"; 
alert('Could not Trigger Process: '+result); 

Using the Component

You can use this Lightning Component on a Page, in a Tab or as a Quick Action. Some of the parameters are required and some are optional.



  • Button Label - Text to appear on the button
  • Name of Field to Update - API name of the field to be updated


  • New Field Value - Value to update the field with (Default = true)
  • Field Type - Data type of the field to be updated (Default = Boolean)
  • Success Message - When provided, a pop-up toast message will display after the record is updated.

Valid Field Type Values and Formats

Boolean - true or false

String - any characters

Date - yyyy-mm-dd

Datetime - yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Time - hh:mm:ss

Integer - digits without any decimal places (32 bits)

Long - digits without any decimal places (64 bits)

Decimal - digits with decimal places (use for currency)

Double - digits with decimal places

Sample Usage

This example is inserting the component in a tab on a record page.

This is what the button looks like when the tab is selected.

When the button is pressed, the record is updated, the button changes from 'brand' to 'neutral' style, and if a success message is provided a toast message will pop-up.