Flow Actions


Flow Actions get installed into the palette of Flow Builder, and you can drag them into your flows and hook them up. Each expects certain inputs from 'upstream' in the flow and makes outputs available.

Local Flow Actions are built with Lightning Components and have some special characteristics.

A new Introduction to Invocable Actions (https://medium.com/@alexedelstein/understanding-invocable-actions-af423cca4b)

New Get Random Number Flow Action - No more workarounds! (https://medium.com/@alexedelstein/easy-random-numbers-come-to-flow-15de26fa712f)

Deep Dive on Building a Flow Action in Apex (https://medium.com/@alexedelstein/how-to-build-a-flow-action-with-apex-38e2210c0d93)

Installable Flow Actions

Quip Flow Actions NEW!

A collection of Flow Actions that integrate Quip sheets with Flow

Get Random Number

Generate a number between two values

Navigate to SObject

Load a new Salesforce record

Navigate to RelatedList

End a flow by going to a related list

Send Email via SendGrid

Use the high-performance email transport service in your Flows

Update Screen

Tell the browser to intelligently refresh a particular visible record

Load Web Page

Tell the browser to load a URL into a new webpage or tab.

Play Sound

Play audio from a file or url


A demonstration of Direct Data Queries. Makes a REST call to AWS

Show Toast

Cause a toast to pop up on the screen.

Get REST Data

Load data from a REST endpoint