Infant Health

Evaluation Planning-Infant Health- Final.pdf
RBA Worksheet (Last Update November 2017)
Action Team Dashboard-Infant Health.pdf
Infant Health Dashboard (Last Update June 2018)

Useful Background Information

1. FLOURISH Safe Sleep Certification Toolkit (Next Draft Due-July 11)

2. Cribs for Kids Website- Hospital Certification, Ambassadors, Managed Care Prenatal Care Incentive Program

3. FLOURISH Safe Sleep Webinar

Many home visitation organizations partner with Infant Loss Resources. They do not have portable crib inventories of their own. Instead, they receive a referral, get a crib from infant loss resources, educate the caregiver and do the follow up. However, there are a handful of organizations that have portable crib inventories. The goal is to set up a network so partners know who has cribs at any given time, when classes are being held (if not part of a home visitation program) and then coordinate the enrollment & evaluation information into a central database.

Partners with Portable Crib Inventories

•Infant Loss Resources (ILR)

•St. Louis County Department of Public Health (Coordinates with ILR)

•Cardinal Glennon (Coordinates with ILR)

•St. Louis Children’s Hospital- Safety Stop

•Parents As Teachers

•Nurses for Newborns (In Process of Coordinating with ILR)

•Missouri Baptist Medical Center

Any organization can become a partner with Infant Loss Resources. They have to get their staff trained by Infant Loss Resources who uses a standard curriculum that follows the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines. Partners are also required to use the standard paperwork outlined below.

Staff Trainings will be hosted by FLOURISH throughout the year. Infant Loss Resources is also available to do a private training for organizations for $250.

Safe Sleep Certification Toolkit 6.15.18.pdf
Safe Sleep Certification Toolkit (Draft 1)

Performance Measure 1- Coordinate & Strengthen the Existing Portable Crib Program.

1. Pre/Post Survey- Infant Loss Resources

2. Post Survey- Cribs for Kids

3. FLOURISH Safe Sleep Certification Toolkit Evaluation (Next Draft Due- July 11)

Safe Sleep Training Pre Test.pdf
Safe Sleep Pre Test (Infant Loss Resources)
Safe Sleep Training Post Test.pdf
Safe Sleep Post Test (Infant Loss Resources)
safe sleep quiz.docx
Safe Sleep Quiz (Cribs for Kids Ambassador Program)

Performance Measure 2- Assist St. Louis's Children's and Maternity Hospitals with Safe Sleep Certification

Performance Measure 3- Implement a Consistent Safe Sleep Message Across St. Louis

Home Visitation Providers

1. Enrollment Application

2. Risk Assessment

3. Crib Pick Up Authorization Form - a) St. Louis City- Infant Loss Resources b) St. Louis County- St. Louis County Department of Public Health

4. Caregiver/Gaurdian Agreement

5. 30-60 Day Follow Up (In-Person)

Education Delivered Through a Class

1. Enrollment Application

2. Risk Assessment

3. Pre / Post Test

4. Caregiver/Guardian Agreement

5. 30-60 Day Follow Up (Attempted Via Phone)

Portable Crib Application.pdf
Portable Crib Application (Infant Loss Resources)
Safe Sleep Risk Assessment.pdf
Safe Sleep Risk Assessment (Infant Loss Resources)
Safe Sleep Training Pre Test.pdf
Safe Sleep Training Pre Test (Infant Loss Resources)
Safe Sleep Training Post Test.pdf
Safe Sleep Training Post Test (Infant Loss Resources)
Portable Crib Authorization Form.pdf
Portable Crib Authorization Form (Infant Loss Resources)
Portable Crib CaretakerGaurdian Agreement.pdf
Portable Crib Caregiver Agreement (Infant Loss Resources)
Portable Crib 30-60 Days.pdf
Portable Crib 30-60 Day Follow Up (Infant Loss Resources)