Health Communication & Navigation

Evaluation Planning- HCN - Final.pdf
RBA Worksheet (Last Updated November 2017)
Action Team Dashboard-Health Communications.pptx
Health Communications & Navigation Dashboard (Last Updated June 2018)

Useful Background Information

Performance Measure 1- Utilization of Community Health Workers and Navigation

Performance Measure 2- Improve Access to Navigation of Resources for Families Through Centralization of Resources in a Database.

1. United Way 2-1-1

2. United Way 2-1-1 Counts

3. Central Database Presentation

4. Resource Database Environmental Scan

5. United Way's Crisis to Stablity Tool

Online Patient Navigation.pdf
3. Central Database Presentation
FLOURISH STL Centralized Resources Presentation 5.24.18.ppt
4. Resource Database Environmental Scan
United Way From Crisis to Stable Making the Shift Presentation.pptx
5. United Way's Crisis to Stability Tool

Performance Measure 3- Develop uniform linkage and referral protocols.

1. Similar to the Perinatal Referral Network (PBHI) - Partners calls and set up appointments for consumers with other partner agencies. Referrals happen across the network, but the partners are taking the extra step to be the ones that make the phone call rather than handing someone a piece of paper with a phone number on it.