Adaptive Management Workshop

What: A workshop on Adaptive Managment led by Dr. Fred Johnson! Find out more about Fred here

Background: "The essence of adaptive management is not about resolving scientific uncertainty in general, but rather resolving uncertainty about the impacts of specific policy choices" - Carl Walters

When: Monday April 26 and Friday April 30 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM each day (with breaks)

Thanks to the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation for covering the costs of the workshop!

Schedule for the workshop

Workshop - Dynamic Decision Making.pdf

Essential background reading

Johnson & Williams 2015 .pdf
Johnson et al. 2014.pdf

Zoom link info for the workshop

Meeting ID: 952 4404 1476

Essential software

Program R


**Makes sure to install the packages 'MDPtoolbox' and 'matrixcalc'