24 Frame Playback iPhone Setup Instructions

These instructions are ideal settings for on-set on-camera iPhones

System Settings

1. From the iPhone's home screen, open the System Settings app.

2. In the System Settings app, click on the "General" tab.

3. Click "Software Update" to see if there are any updates available for the iPhone.

4. Install any available updates. 

NOTE: The iOS version may differ from the one depicted in the image, depending on your device and when you are reading this guide.

Display Settings

After the system has been updated and restarts, open the settings app again from the iPhone's home screen.

1. Click on the "Display and Brightness" tab.

2. In the "Display and Brightness" section, slide the "Brightness" slider all the way to the right (maximum brightness). 

3. Set "True Tone" to off.

4. Set "Night Shift to off.

5. Set "Auto-Lock" to never.

NOTE: Screen brightness should always be controlled in-app to reduce the likelihood of screen flicker for camera.

When complete, click on the "Settings" button in the upper left corner to return to the "Settings" menu.

Guided Access Settings

1. Click on the "Control Center" tab.

2. In the "Control Center" section, set "Access Within Apps" to on.

3. Scroll down to the "More Controls" section and click the green "plus" button next to "Guided Access" to add it to the controls available within the "Guided Access" menu.

If "Guided Access" is already listed in the "Included Controls" section as seen below, disregard this step.

"Guided Access" shown in the "Included Controls" section.

When complete, click on the "Settings" button in the upper left corner to return to the "Settings" menu.

4. In the "Settings" menu, click on the "Accessibility" tab.

5. In "Accessibility", scroll down to the "General" section and click on the "Guided Access" button.

6. In "Guided Access" click to enable "Guided Access".

This will enable "Passcode Settings" and "Display Auto-Lock" which we will modify.

7. Click on "Passcode Settings".

8. Click on "Set Guided Access Passcode". 

You will set a pass-code here for when you exit "Guided Access" mode.

NOTE: For a default pass-code I recommend repeating the number 0 for ease of use.

After setting up the passcode, click the "back" button to return to the "Guided Access" menu.

9.  Click on "Accessibility Shortcut".

NOTE: This allows you to triple-click the side button during a Guided Access session to bring up the Guided Access menu and make changes to the session or end Guided Access.

15. Click on "Display Auto-Lock" and change the time to "Never".

Using Guided Access

NOTE: When running a playback app in a scene, we can use "Guided Access" to make sure that the actor doesn't accidentally lock the iPad or exit the app.

NOTE: Guided Access also removes the unwanted and distracting white bar from the bottom of the screen.

2. Click the "Focus" button.

3. Set the "Focus" mode to "Do Not Disturb" to hopefully minimize any unwanted notifications  or interruptions during the scene. We want to make sure nobody loses their job during this take.

4. After setting the "Focus" mode to "Do Not Disturb", click on the "Guided Access" button to bring up the "Guided Access" overlay. 

5. Click "Start" to begin the "Guided Access" session.

NOTE: Earlier we enabled the Accessibility Shortcut in the Guided Access menu settings so now we can triple-click the side button during a Guided Access session to bring up the Guided Access menu and make changes to the session or end the Guided Access session (i.e. to end Guided Access).

NOTE: You can not take screenshots during a Guided Access session.

NOTE: I usually ask the actors using the iPhone to try not to click the side button by accident, as this will show the following message at the top of the screen "Guided Access is enabled. Triple-click the side button to exit".