Cover Art Gallery & Photograph

Cover Art Gallery


錯体化学若手の会北陸支部勉強会 (2019. 12. 7)

With Prof. Tien-Yau Luh

With Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage

第3回 産総研化学研究シンポジウム (2019. 11. 22)

With Prof. Yoshio Okamoto

Meeting at OIST

With prof. Ron. Castellano

With profs. S. Goldup, T. Takata & S. Sogawa

With prof. M. Zharnikov

At FB3 Conference (Tianjin)

With profs. Sugiyama & Masuhara

At Fukushima Group 2015

Autographs of prof. Sauvage & prof. Okamoto.