Submitting your work and using feedback

Submitting your work

There are many different ways to submit your formative and summative work here at UEA.  Details about the module, including the submission process are available on evision and your module organiser or seminar tutor may provide details either in class or on the Blackboard VLE.

It is important that you follow the instructions that your seminar leader/ Module Organiser has given you, as these may vary from class to class.  You can find out more on my.uea.

Student working on a laptop

Using feedback

Feedback is important for working out what went well in your assignment so that you can ensure you repeat this in your next pieces of coursework. You should also spend time thinking about how you can develop areas identified for improvement. It can sometimes be difficult to read feedback about the things we need to improve. However, it’s important not to see this as criticism of your work, but rather a chance to continue to develop. 

You could download this guide from Advance HE as a helpful starting point:


You can also discuss your feedback with your Academic Adviser, the marker or get in touch with a Learning Enhancement Tutor to find out ways of working on your feedback. 

Top tip from a LET tutor

"Be sure to allow plenty of time to submit your work, to avoid last minute technical problems!"

Student working on a laptop