Getting started


It's good to be aware of the learning strategies and techniques that are effective for you. This might change from time to time, depending on the situation you are studying in and the kind of assignment you're working on. First Assignment provides a range of strategies for you to consider. 

At the beginning of each section, pause to think about what you already do when working on assignments. Review the materials and then think about what other strategies you could try. Keep track of what works well for you, and come back at any time to gather more ideas.

Person holding a tablet

This section explores:

The assignment writing process

The process of writing assignments

This cycle shows the different stages of the writing process. The sections in First Assignment explore the stages of the process. You will decide how much time to spend on each stage in order to meet your deadlines.  Adapt the process to suit the way that you work and the task that you are working on. For example, you might find it helpful to do some thinking about your topic before you do any reading. Explore the sections in First Assignment for ideas and resources that can help you at each stage.  

Getting organised

Managing your time effectively is really important in order to meet deadlines. The '5 questions for managing your time' below are a good place to start. 

5 QUESTIONS for managing your time:

A task planner

Resources to help you manage your time

The Learning Enhancement Team have a range of planners you can use to plan how to use your time. Choose the one that suits you. 

The summary on the right outlines some tips for helping you think about how you can use your time well. 

There are also plenty of apps that help you get organised, have a look at some of the to-do list apps suggested below.

Image of a time management document

Time management apps

Apps can help you to manage your time, stay focused and prioritise your workload. There are lots available, here are a few that UEA students have used and found helpful.

To-do list apps

Using to-do lists will help you to keep track of what you need to do, and start to plan when and how you will complete these tasks.

Remember the milk logo

Remember the milk

A free tool which syncs with all of your devices to help you to manage tasks. The app sends reminders and allows you to share your lists with others.

myHomework  logo


a student planner that syncs across your devices and helps keep you organised, with options to set reminders for tasks and assignments. 

Distraction blocking apps

These apps can help to minimise distractions and help you to focus on your work.

StayFocusd  logo


This Google Chrome extension can help you to stay focused by restricting the amount of time you can browsing websites. Once you reach your allocated time, sites will be blocked for the rest of the day.

Forest  app icon


An app/extension for Google Chrome. Plant a seed in the Forest. In the next 30 minutes, this seed will gradually grow into a tree. An incentive to resist browsing other websites; if you do, your tree will wither away!

Priority apps

These tools you to decide what order to complete the things on your to-do list.

Todoist icon


A free app, with a premium version available to buy, that lets you organise tasks into actionable lists. You can also share your lists with others, and visualise your progress.

Trello icon


Trello is a great app to help you to manage your work and prioritise tasks. Create colour-coded cards of the things you need to do, and drag them around them to create lists and prioritise tasks.

Further help

Have a look at the Learning Enhancement Team's guide to managing your time. If you would like to speak to a Learning Enhancement Tutor about managing your time, you can make an appointment for an individual tutorial. Information about tutorials and workshops to help you manage your time effectively can be found on the Learning Enhancement Team's webpages. 
