Scratch Jr.

Session Info

Get ready for a fun hands-on learning opportunity where you’ll learn how to teachcomputer science to our youngest age level of learners. Participants will be combing CS, literacy, and play to design thinking using the Scratch Jr. and PBS Scratch Jr.. This session will have you experiencing the lessons as a student so you can adapt to your classroom. You’ll learn best practices and gain access to a multimedia training website that you can use later when you work with others or teach the students you serve.

Why does this matter?

House File 2629:

House File 2629 District Requirements:

- All schools (public and non public) develop & implement a K-12 CS plan by July 1, 2022.

- For grades 1 through 6, Computer Science instruction incorporating the standards shall be offered in at least one grade level commencing with the school year beginning July 1, 2023.

- For grades 7 through 8, Computer Science instruction incorporating the standards shall be offered in at least one grade level commencing with the school year beginning July 1, 2023

- One-half unit of computer science commencing with the school year beginning July 1, 2020. The one-half unit shall incorporate the standards and may be offered online.

Getting Started

Step 1: PBS Scratch Jr.

45 minutes

  1. Download App & Resources

*If your Chromebooks will load Google Play store, which most new ones do, then you can download and use the Chromebook for the app.

2. Self Paced Workshop

Slides 1 - 33

3. Be sure you know how to do the following

  • Add, delete, edit characters and backgrounds

  • Describe different type of blocks and where to use find them

  • Create a program to make a character move

Halftime Pause

Step 2: Complete Lesson or Continue Learning

30-45 minutes

2. Choose and complete a lesson as a student

Pick one lesson from the Activities


Access the PBS Scratch Jr. Collection on the PBS Learning Media website

Scratch Jr.

Remember, everything we learned can be applied to Scratch Jr. PBS Scratch Jr uses Scratch Jr but layers in PBS characters and content.

You can apply all that you have learned with using Scratch Jr. that has a ton more resources, lessons, projects, etc.

PBS Links

Additional Curriculum To Explore

K-2 Curriculum for K-2 - A very well organized and detailed structure using unplugged activites, BeeBot, and Scratch Jr.