Escape Ladder
住在 2,3樓的家庭,遇上火警時,可能無法從屋內樓梯逃生。 在此緊急情況下,使用摺疊式窗口用逃生梯,可讓您化險為夷。
Having an escape ladder available during an emergency situation can mean the difference between life and death。
特色及優點 Features and Benefits:
Durable and flame resistant - safe to use during fire escape容易展開,不易糾結,可於緊急時迅速逃生
Tangle-free and easy to deploy - allows for escape plans to be practiced體積小巧,方便儲藏
Compact and convenient storage應用廣泛,適用於任何闊度不少於 41厘米、牆身厚度不多於 28厘米之窗戶
Safe for use in any window over 41cm width and less than 28cm depth (from interior to exterior wall)