
Kata has great importance to the practice of KDS Karate. It is essential in order to develop the body condition required for longevity and true progression in the KDS practice.

KDS katas are mostly performed slowly. This allows the body to learn how to fully use the musculature in relaxed and effective ways to get fluid and focused movements without losing the effectiveness. Once this condition has been achieved Katas are easier to perform with higher speed. In Master Harada's own words:

'Kata are very important, they strengthen the body, condition the mind, train the spirit, enhance co-ordination, improves the reflexes and allows contact with the past. They are the essence of Karate-Do'

Mitsusuke Harada

Kata list

Shorin-ryu Forms

Taikyoku - First Cause

Shodan (1st)

Nidan (2nd)

Sandan (3rd)

Heian - Peaceful Mind

Shodan (1st)

Nidan (2nd)

Sandan (3rd)

Yondan (4th)

Godan (5th)

Bassai - To Penetrate a Fortress

Dai (Minor)

Sho (Major)

Kanku - To Look at the Sky

Dai (Minor)

Sho (Major)

Empi - Flying Swallow

Gankaku - Crane on a Rock

Shorei-ryu Forms

Tekki - Horse Riding