11th workshop on

Complexity in Economics & Finance

CCS 2024 Satellite | 3 September, Exeter, UK

Over the past 15 years, complex systems science has played a key role in understanding and modeling economic and financial systems – through a fruitful interplay of basic research and policy applications. Much effort has been put into studying how the complex patterns of interconnections among economic and financial entities allow local failures to spread up to the full system scale, as well as in devising strategies to improve systemic resilience and stability. Leveraging on these interactions, several methods have been produced to understand and predict the patterns of economic development and innovation, from the

macroscopic scale of countries to the microscopic level of individual firms. These approaches have been developed by exploiting an increasing amount of available data on human activities, e.g., on production of goods and knowledge, demographic and labor statistics, financial transactions and market trends. Considerable attention has been also devoted to understanding the impact of rapidly emerging digital technologies, as well as to fostering the societal aim of attaining a more equal, sustainable and green


This workshop, a satellite meeting of CCS2024, returns for the eleventh edition after being hosted by StatPhys26, NetSci2017, NetSci2018, NetSci2019, NetSciX2020, NetSci2020, CCS2022, NetSci2023, CCS2023, NetSci2024. The event aims at bringing together researchers active in the study of complex systems in economics and finances, to discuss state-of-the-art work in the field, share knowledge across disciplines, and create opportunities for novel and fruitful collaborations.

Important Dates


To join the satellite, registration to the CCS2024 main conference is mandatory, either for the full conference or for satellite events only. On site registration will be possible only upon availability.