Dental Implants Pembroke Pines

Dental Implants Pembroke Pines

Why Dental Implants?

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I get dental implants?”

Simply put, dental implants can last a lifetime and are the no-hassle way of filling the gaps in your smile. Unlike removable dentures, dental implants don’t need to be removed for cleaning or for eating certain foods; you can treat dental implants like the rest of your real teeth. Dental implants provide a strong foundation for beautiful teeth customized to your mouth by securing a metal root into the patient’s jawbone and topping it with a crown or another topper the patient may need. Dental implants ultimately take the guesswork out of caring for your mouth. Patients will no longer have to deal with gaps or dentures.

Reasons for Dental Implants

Patients come to Pembroke Pines office to get the very best in dental implants.

Why do patients opt for dental implants?

Dental implants:

Replace one or more missing teeth

Do not cause damage to adjacent teeth

Alleviate pain and bite problems

Restore self-confidence

Improve the chewing process and speech

Restore fullness to sunken facial appearance

Can last a lifetime

Provide more convenience and normalcy than annoying dentures

Look and feel like real teeth


Dental implants patients have come to Pembroke Pines, FL for outstanding results. It’s no wonder he is the go-to cosmetic dentist for local beauty pageant contestants. We understands comfort, efficiency and beauty; furthermore, We dedicated years to his area of expertise, even appearing as an honored guest on radio shows to talk about cosmetic dentistry. A trusted name in Pembroke Pines and the greater Broware county. We are leading expert in dental implants.

We can help fill those gaps in your mouth, and in turn, restore the confidence you’ve been missing.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

There are numerous benefits to the dental implants from Pembroke Pines Dentistry:

Natural appearance

Stop jawbone loss and gum recession

Improved stability and fit

Low maintenance

Stop nearby teeth from shifting position

Replace one or more missing teeth

Do not cause damage to adjacent teeth

Alleviate jaw joint pain and bite problems

Restore self-confidence

Improve the chewing process and speech

Restore fullness to sunken facial appearance

Can last a lifetime

Provide more convenience and normalcy than annoying dentures

Look and feel like real teeth

Have a 95% success rate

If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to learn more about dental implants from our our dentists, we encourage you to read on about why dental implants are a good fit for you.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Most patients feel that dental implants are superior to dentures. Dental implants are permanent, acting as a true replacement for missing teeth. Dentures are removable and require extra care and hygiene. Dentures can slip, click and cause embarrassment in social situations. Dental implants stay in place and act just like your natural teeth. Simply, dentures can never fit the way that dental implants can! If you desire a more active lifestyle in where you do not have to worry about your teeth slipping and causing discomfort, dental implants are the clear choice.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

Are you missing one tooth or multiple teeth? Are you searching for a dentist with the experience to back up the claims on this site? If so, you may consider dental implants we believe that it’s important for our patients to make an educated decision. Reading about dental implants is the first step; the next step is contacting us today and scheduling a consultation in where we can assess your personal condition and candidacy for dental implants.

Created On 1/24/2017