People who train other people are always welcome in this network, .. The movement GODOGOOD INTERNATIONAL is all about sharing knowledge and giving information to eachother to become the best person and connected with the right people we want to be with.

Focussing on health, wellness, humanity, training people to be aware and active for a better life and a better world.

Campaigning for the freedom of press and fighting against poverty, health problems and helping people to live in peace.

Access to the right information, resources and the things we need to gather with people to produce productions with a message.

Our vision is to get people together and make locations work for the progress of producing for a global unity.


No one is born as a professional, Everyone has to learn and grow to become a person functioning on this planet earth.

By creating tools, online educational and platform opportunaties people can experience a pattern of lessons and growing.

Connecting people in creative productions is the best we can do.

Help us to create the changes needed.