Sex Education is a British comedy-drama streaming television series created by Laurie Nunn for Netflix. The series depicts the lives of the students, staff, and parents of the fictitious Moordale Secondary School as they contend with dilemmas in their personal lives, often related to sexual intimacy. It features an ensemble cast that includes Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, Kedar Williams-Stirling, Aimee Lou Wood, Tanya Reynolds, and Patricia Allison.
The first series premiered on 11 January 2019 and the second premiered on 17 January 2020. The third series was released on 17 September 2021. Sex Education has been a critical and commercial success, with over 40 million viewers streaming the first series after its debut. At the BAFTA Television Awards, Wood won Best Female Comedy Performance for the second series.
On 28 November 2017, it was announced that Netflix had given the production a series order. The series was created by Laurie Nunn, with Ben Taylor expected to direct. Executive producers were set to include Jamie Campbell and Joel Wilson via their production company Eleven Film.On 4 December 2018, it was announced that the series would premiere on 11 January 2019 On 1 February 2019, Netflix renewed the show for a second series which premiered on 17 January 2020.On 10 February 2020, Netflix renewed the show for a third series. As part of a video and letter to its shareholders in April 2021, Netflix s co-chief executive officer and chief content officer, Ted Sarandos, confirmed that the third series of Sex Education is expected to be released sometime in the second half of 2021.On 24 June 2021, it was announced that the third series would premiere on 17 September 2021