Loki is an American television series created by Michael Waldron for the streaming service Disney+, based on Marvel Comics featuring the character of the same name. Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), it shares continuity with the films of the franchise and takes place after the events of the film Avengers: Endgame (2019), in which an alternate version of Loki created a new timeline. Loki is produced by Marvel Studios, with Waldron serving as head writer and Kate Herron directing for the first season.
Years ago, Sylvie was arrested by the TVA while she was a child. She managed to escape by the Renslayer s TemPad but lived her entire life in hiding in apocalyptic events. In the present, Renslayer meets the Time Keepers and afterwards informs Mobius about Hunter C-20 s death, however with uncertainty. Loki and Sylvie form a romantic bond on Lamentis, and it creates a nexus event never seen by the TVA. Both of them are captured, and Mobius punishes Loki by leaving him in a time loop, but not before Loki has a chance to tell him that the TVA is lying to them. Mobius, after releasing Loki, is told that all of them are Variants, as is apparent from Sylvie s powers. Mobius, is order to punish Loki again, sends him into the time loop again. Mobius steals the Renslayer s TemPad to investigate this, while Hunter B-15 takes Sylvie to RoxxCart in 2050 to know the truth about herself. Sylvie returns to her cell. Both Mobius and B-15, now aware of their past, go ahead to resolve the situation. Mobius frees Loki from the loop, but is soon confronted by the Renslayer and pruned. Loki and Sylvie are taken to the Time Keepers, accompanied by the Renslayer and her minutemen, but Hunter B-15 intervenes. In the resulting chaos, the minutemen are pruned and the Renslayer is knocked unconscious by Sylvie. Alone with the Time Keepers and Loki, Sylvie kills one. Unexpectedly, the three turn out to be androids, thus leaving it unclear as to who created the TVA. The Renslayer regains her consciousness and prunes Loki. Sylvie, in anger, demands the truth from the Renslayer.
In a Mid-credits scene, Loki awakes, surrounded by Loki variants.