
Peer reviewed publications

(** Supervised, co-supervised, mentored students/postdocs)

In review

Rossi LC, Emer C, Lees AC, Berenguer E, Barlow J, Ferreira J, França FM, Ramos YG, Tavares P, Pizo MA (under review). Fire and logging alter plant-frugivore interactions in Amazonia over decadal time-scales. 


47Saranholi BH, França FM, Vogler AP, Barlow J, Vaz-de-Mello FZ, Maldaner ME, Carvalho E, Gestich CC, Howes B, Banks-Leite C, Galetti-Jr. 2024. Testing and optimizing metabarcoding of iDNA from dung beetles to sample mammals in the hyperdiverse Neotropics. Molecular Ecology Resources. link.

46.  França FM, Beiroz W, Andretti CB, Vernaschi T, Vaz-de-Mello F, Silveira J, Louzada J. 2024. Selective logging intensity and time since logging drive tropical bird and dung beetle diversity: a case study from Amazonia. Environmental Conservation. link.

45Stegmann L, França FM, Carvalho R, Barow J, Berenguer E, Castello L, Juen L, Baccaro F, Vieira I, Nunes CA, Oliveira R, Venticique E, Schietti J, Ferreira, J. 2024.Brazilian public funding for biodiversity research in the Amazon. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. link.


44The Herbivory Variability Network, Robinson ML, (…) inc. França FM, (…) Wetzel W. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science. link.

43. Nóbrega RL, Alencar PH, Alves J, Baniwa B, (…) Bowness E, França FM, Stein S. 2023. Co-developing pathways to protect nature, land, territory, and well-being in Amazonia. Communications Earth & Environment. link.

42. **Cerullo G, Barlow J, Betts M, Edwards D, Eyres A, França FM, Garret R, Swinfield R, Tew E, White T, Balmford T. 2023. Protecting European forests at what cost. Science. link.

41. **Carvalho R & Resende A, Barlow J, França FM, Moura M, (…) Ferreira J. 2023. Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research. Current Biology. link

40Cerullo G, França F, Finch T, Erm P, Griffiths H, Louzada J, Barlow J, Green RE, Edwards DP, Balmford A. 2023. Sparing old-growth maximises conservation outcomes within selectively logged Amazonian forests. Biological Conservation. link.

39. Carmenta R, Barlow J, Lima MGB, Berenguer E, Choiruzzad S, Estrada-Carmona N, França FM, (…)  Hicks C. 2023. Connected Conservation: Rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world. Biological Conservation. link.

38. **Carvalho E, Maldaner ME, Costa-Silva V, Sehn H, Franquini C, Campos VO, Seba VP, Maia LF, Vaz-de-Mello F, França FM. 2023. Dung beetles from two sustainable-use protected forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Biodiversity Data Journal. link.

37. Vedovato L, Carvalho L, (…) inc. França FM, (…) Feldpausch T. 2023. Ancient fires enhance Amazon forest drought resistance. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. link.


36.  Metcalf OC, Barlow J, Bas Y, Berenguer E, Devenish C, França F, Marsden S,  Smith C, Lees AC. 2022.  Detecting and reducing heterogeneity of error in acoustic classification.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution. link.

35.  Jakovac CC, Meave JA, Bongers F, Letcher SG, Dupuy JM, Piotto D, Rozendaal DMA, Penã-Claros M, Crave D, Santos BA, (...) inc. França F, (...) Poorter L. 2022. Strong floristic distinctiveness across neotropical successional forests. Science Advances. link.

34. Nunes CA, Berenguer E, França F, Ferreira J, Lees AC, Louzada J, Sayer EJ, Solar R, Smith C, Aragão LEOCA, Braga DL, Camargo P, Cerrir C, Cosme R, Durigan M, Moura N, Oliveira VHF, Ribas C, Vaz-de-Mello F, Vieira I, Zanetti R, Barlow J. 2022. Linking land-use and land-cover transitions to their ecological impact in the Amazon. PNAS. link.

33. **Costa MKS, França F, Brocardo CR, Fadini RF. 2022. Edge effects from exotic tree plantations and environmental context drive dung beetle assemblages within Amazonian undisturbed forests. Forest Ecology and Management. link.

32. Rossi LC, Berenguer E, Lees AC, Barlow J, Ferreira J, França F, Tavares P, Pizo M. 2022. Predation on artificial caterpillars following understorey fires in human-modified Amazonian forests. Biotropica. link

31. Elias F, Ferreira J, Resende AF, Berenguer E, França F, Smith CC, Schwartz G, Nasciment RO, Guedes M, Rossi LC, Seixas MMM, Silva CM, Barlow J. 2022. Comparing contemporary and lifetime rates of carbon accumulation from secondary forests in the eastern Amazon. Forest Ecology & Management. link.


30.  França F, Solar R, Lees A,  Berenguer E, Martins LP, Gardner T, Barlow, J.  2021. Reassessing the role of cattle and pasture in Brazil's deforestation: a response to “Fire, deforestation, and livestock: When the smoke clears”.  Land Use Policy. link.

29. Nunes C, Barlow J, França F, Berenguer E, Solar R, Louzada J, Leitão R, Maia L, Oliveira V, Braga R, Vaz-de-Mello F, Sayer E. 2021. Functional redundancy of Amazonian dung beetles confers community-level resistance to primary forest disturbance at local and regional scales. Biotropica. link

28. Berenguer E, Lennox GD, Ferreira J, Malhi Y, Aragão LEOC, Barreto JR, Espírito-Santo F, Figueredo A,  França F, Gardner TA, Joly CA, Palmeira AF, Quesada CA, Rossi LC, Seixas MMM, Smith CC, Withey K, Barlow J. 2021. Tracking the impacts of El Niño drought and fire in human-modified Amazonian forests. PNAS. link

27. Morais TMO**, Berenguer E, Barlow J, França F, Lennox GD, Malhi Y, Rossi LC, Seixas MMM, Ferreira, H. 2021. Leaf-litter production in human-modified Amazonian forests following the El Niño-mediated drought and fires of 2015-2016. Forest Ecology and Management. link.

26., et al. inc. França F,. 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plotsBiological Conservation. link

25.  **Carvalho R, Anjos DV, Andresen E, França F, Vasconcelos HL. 2021. Dung beetle functions in tropical cattle pastures were barely explained by land-use variables and not at all by community metrics. Ecological indicators. link.

24. Berenguer E, Carvalho N, Anderson L, Aragão LEOC, França F, Barlow J. 2021. Improving the spatial-temporal analysis of Amazonian fires. 2020. Global Change Biology. link


23.  Christie AP, Abecasis D, Adjeroud M, Alonso JC, Amano T, Anton A, Baldigo BP, Barrientos R, Bicknell JE, Buhl DA, Cebrian J, Ceia RS, Cibils-Martina L, Clarke S, Claudet J, Craig MD, Davoult D, Backer A, Donovan MK, Eddy TD, França FM, Gardner JPA, Harris BP, Huusko A, Jones IL, Kelaher BP, Kotiaho JS, López-Baucells A, Major HL, Mäki-Petäys A, Martín B, Martín CA, Martin PA, Mateos-Molina D, McConnaughey RA, Meroni M, Meyer CFJ, Mills K, Montefalcone M, Noreika N, Palacín C, Pande A, Pitcher CR, Ponce C, Rinella M, Rocha R, Ruiz-Delgado MC, Schmitter-Soto JJ, Shaffer JA, Sharma S, Sher AA, Stagnol D, Stanley TR, Stokesbury KDE, Torres A, Tully O, Vehanen T, Watts C, Zhao Q, Sutherland WJ. 2020. Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences. Nature Communications. link

22. Silva CV, Aragão L, Young P, Espirito-Santo F, Berenguer E, Anderson L, Brasil I, Pontes-Lopes A, Ferreira J, Withey K, França F, Graça P, Kirsten l, Xaud H, Salimon C, Scaranello M, Castro B, Seixas M, Farias R, Barlow J. 2020. Estimating the multi-decadal carbon deficit of burned Amazonian forests. Environmental Research Letterslink

21. Waller LP, Allen WJ, Barratt BIP, Condron LM, França FM, Hunt JE, Koele N, Orwin KH, Steel GS, Tylianakis JM, Wakelin SA, Dickie IA. 2020. Biotic interactions drive ecosystem responses to exotic plant invaders. Science. link

20. França F, Benkwitt C, Peralta G, Robinson J, Graham N, Tylianakis J, Berenguer E, Lees A, Ferreira J, Louzada J, Barlow, J. 2020. Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs. Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society B. link

19. Souza T.,  França F., Barlow J., Dodonov P., dos Santos J., Faria D., Ernesto-Baumgarten, J. 2020. The relative influence of different landscape attributes on dung beetle communities in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecological Indicators. link

18. França F., Ferreira J., Vaz-de-Mello F., Maia L., Louzada J., Oliveira V., Braga R., Palmeira A.F., Berenguer E., Fadini R., Barlow J. 2020. El Niño impacts on human-modified tropical forests: consequences for dung beetle diversity and associated ecological processes. Biotropica. link

17. Barlow J., Berenguer E., Carmenta R., França F. 2020. Clarifying Amazonia's burning crisis. Global Change Biology. link


16. Maia L., França F., Nascimento A., Faria L. 2019. Do community and food web metrics temporally change in tropical systems? Responses from a four-trophic level food web. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. link

15. Hethcoat M., Edwards D., Carreiras J., Bryant R., França F., Quegan S. 2019. A machine learning approach to map selective logging. Remote Sensing of Environment. link / bioRxiv preprint


14. Barlow J., França F., Gardner T., Hicks C., Lennox G., Berenguer E., Castello L., Economo E., Ferreira J., Guénard B., Leal C., Isaac V., Lees A., Paar C., Wilson S., Young P., Graham N. 2018. The future of hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems. Nature. link / preprint

13. Berenguer E., Malhi Y., Brando P., Cordeiro A., Ferreira J., França F., Rossi L., Seixas M., Barlow J. 2018. Tree growth and stem carbon accumulation in human-modified Amazonian forests following drought and fire. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. link

12. França F., Louzada J., Barlow J. 2018. Selective logging effects on ‘brown world’ faecal-detritus pathway in tropical forests: A case study from Amazonia using dung beetles. Forest Ecology and Management. link

11. Withey K., Berenguer E., Palmeira A.F., Espírito-Santo F., Aragão L., Ferreira J., França F., Gardner T., Malhi Y., Rossi L.C., Barlow J. 2018. Quantifying immediate carbon emissions from El Niño-mediated wildfires in humid tropical forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. link

10. Carvalho R., Frazão F., Ferreria R., Louzada J., Cordeiro L. França F. 2018. Dung burial by roller dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae): An individual and specific-level study. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. link / PDF

9. Silva C., Aragão L., Barlow J., Lopes A., Castro B., Salimon C., Berenguer E., Souza F., Espírito-Santo F., França F., Xaud H., Brown I., Brasil I., Ferreira J., Kirsten L., Anderson L., Scaranello M., Seixas M., Young P., Farias R., Gardner T. 2018. Drought-induced Amazonian wildfires promote long-term disruption of forest carbon dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. link 


8. França F., Frazão F., Korasaki V., Louzada J., Barlow J. 2017. Identifying thresholds of logging intensity on dung beetle communities to improve the sustainable management of Amazonian tropical forests. Biological Conservation. Link 

7. **Penoni L., Gonçalves F., Silva J., Silva C., França F., Cavalcanti, R. Utilização do sensoriamento remoto na avaliação do antropismo no Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra. Geotecnologias e Modelagem Espacial em Geografia Física. link


6. França F., Louzada J., Korasaki V., Griffiths H., Silveira J., Barlow J. 2016. Do space-for-time assessments underestimate the impacts of logging on tropical biodiversity? An Amazonian case study using dung beetles. Journal of Applied Ecology. link / PDF OPEN DRYAD

5. França F., Barlow J., Araújo B., Louzada J. 2016. Does selective logging stress tropical forest invertebrates? Using fat stores to examine sublethal responses in dung beetles. Ecology and Evolution. link / PDF OPEN

4. França F., Korasaki V., Louzada J., Vaz-de-Mello F. 2016. First report on dung beetles in intra-Amazonian savannahs in Roraima, Brazil. Biota Neotropica. link / PDF OPEN

2015 and before

3. Griffiths H., Louzada J., Bardgett R., Beiroz W., França F., Tregidgo D., Barlow J. 2015. Biodiversity and environmental context predict dung beetle-mediated seed dispersal in a tropical forest field experiment. Ecology. link

2. Queiroz A., Ribas C., França F. 2014. Microhabitat characteristics that regulate ant richness patterns: The importance of leaf litter for epigaeic ants. Sociobiology. link / PDF OPEN

1. França F., Silva F., Mota-Souza J., Grossi P., Vaz-de-Mello F. 2012. New distributional data on Oxysternon pteroderum Nevinson, 1892 (Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Phanaeini) and its possible implications in conservation. ZooKeys. link / PDF OPEN


4. França, F.M.; Oliveira, V.H.; Louzada, J.N.C.; Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z.; Ferreira, J.N; Berenguer, E.; Gardner, T.; Lees, A.; Barlow, J. (2019). Dung beetle community data from a before-and-after El Niño experiment in the Brazilian Amazon. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. 

3. Lees A., Moura N., França F.M., Ferreira J.N., Gardner T., Berenguer E., Chesini L., Andertti C., Barlow, J. (2018). Avifauna occurrence data from a longitudinal experiment in human-modified Amazonian forests affected by the 2015-16 El Niño drought and associated fires. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. 

2. França F., Barlow J., Frazão F., Louzada J., Korasaki V.  (2017) Data for 'Identifying thresholds of logging intensity on dung beetle communities to improve the sustainable management of Amazonian tropical forests'. Mendeley Data. DOI: 10.17632/jb72k856zw.2.

1. França F., Louzada J., Korasaki V., Griffiths H., Silveira J.M., Barlow J. (2016) Data from: Do space-for-time assessments underestimate the impacts of logging on tropical biodiversity? An Amazonian case study using dung beetles. Dryad Digital Repository.