Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Filipe M. França


1. Professional Experience

2021  - present                                        UKRI Future Leader Fellow and Lecturer - School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, UK.

2022 - present                                         Collaborator Lecturer of Applied Ecology - Federal University of Pará, Brazil

2020 - 2021                                                Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate - Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK.

2020 - 2021                                                 Academic Visitor - School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, NZ.

2018 - 2020                                                 Postdoctoral fellow - Universidade Federal do Pará & Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil.

2018 - 2019                                                 Environmental Consultant - Bicho do Mato Meio Ambiente, Brazil.

2018 - 2019                                                  Research assistant - Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, NZ. 

2016 - 2018                                                  Postdoctoral Research Associate - Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK. 

2015 - 2016                                                  Visitor Lecturer of Applied Ecology - Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, Brazil

2. Teaching

2024 - present                                        Ecology for a Brighter Future (Msci Scientific Communication), 40h - University of Bristol, UK.

2024 - present                                        Green Planet (Y3 undergrad level), 16h - University of Bristol, UK.

2023 - present                                        Applied Tropical Ecology (postgraduate level; online), 30h - Federal University of Pará, Brazil.

2022 - present                                         Ecology and Conservation (Y2 undergrad level), 16h - University of Bristol, UK.

2021 - 2021                                                 Applied Tropical Ecology (postgraduate level; online due to COVID19 restrictions), 30h - Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2015 - 2016                                                 Applied Ecology (postgraduate level), 24h - Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, Brazil. 

2012 - 2012                                                 Invertebrates' Zoology (undergraduate level), 20h - Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. 

2010 - 2012                                                 Community and ecosystem ecology (undergraduate level), 60 h - Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. 

3. Mentoring and Supervision

2024 - 2024           Genevieve Kiero-Watson - MRes, University of Bristol, UK  (main supervisor

2024 - 2024           Danni Pollock - MRes, University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2023 - 2028           Poppy Lane - PhD University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2023 - 2028           Tanith Hackney - PhD University of Bristol, UK  (secondary supervisor

2023 - 2024           Daniel Pereira - MRes, Federal University of Pará, Brazil (main supervisor

2023 - 2024           James Ferreira Moura Junior - Senior PDRA, University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2023 - 2024           Luiza Waechter - visiting PhD, University of Bristol, UK (PhD chapter main supervisor

2020 - 2022           Rafaella T. Oliveira - Research Assistant, Federal University of Brasília, Brazil /University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor)  

2023 - 2024           Simone Moser - Msc, University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2022 - 2023           Dylan Oliver - Msc, University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2020 - 2023           Gianluca Cerullo - PhD, Cambridge University, UK (mentor, PhD chapter co-supervisor

2020 - 2022           Rafaella T. Oliveira - Postdoc, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil /University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2021 - 2022            Nelson Silva Pinto - Postdoc, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Brazil and University of Bristol, UK (main supervisor

2020 - 2022           Raquel Luiza de Carvalho - Postdoc, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Brazil and Lancaster  University, UK (mentor, co-supervisor

2019 - 2022           Maria Katiane Souza Costa - MSc, Federal University of Western Pará, Brazil (co-supervisor

2019 - 2020           Carol Franquini - Hons Research project, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil (main supervisor

2019 - 2020           Vinícius Campos - Hons Research project, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil (main supervisor

2019 - 2020           Vinícius Seba - Hons Research project, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil (main supervisor

2018 - 2018           Thamyrys Souza - PhD Ecology and Biodiversity, Lancaster University, UK (PhD chapter co-supervisor

2018 - 2018           Bryn Edwards - MSc Ecology and Conservation, Lancaster University, UK (co-supervisor

2017 - 2019           Taís Helena de Araújo Rodrigues - MSc, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil (co-supervisor

2017 - 2019            Paulo Tarcísio de Souza - MSc, Federal University of Pará, Brazil (co-supervisor

2016 - 2017           Raquel Luiza de Carvalho - MSc, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil (mentor

2015 - 2017           Lorrany Penoni - MSc, Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, Brazil (main supervisor

4. Education

2022 - 2023            Associate Fellow of the HEA: Distinction, University of Bristol, UK.

2011 - 2016            Dual PhD scheme  - PhD Thesis: Ecological impacts of selective logging in the Amazon: lessons from dung beetles 

PhD – Science of Tropical Environments        Supervisor: Jos Barlow - Lancaster University, UK.

PhD – Applied Ecology                                             Supervisor: Julio Louzada -  Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2012 - 2013            Teacher education/training in Biology Science 

Universidade Vale do Rio Verde de Três Corações, Brazil.

2010 - 2011            MSc – Applied Ecology - MSc Thesis: Selective logging in the Amazon forest: post-logging recovery in dung beetle communities

Supervisor: Julio Louzada -  Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2006 - 2010            BSc 1st class (hons) – Biological Sciences - Honours Thesis: Dung beetle-mediated ecological functions in different pasture management systems and forests 

Supervisor: Julio Louzada -  Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

5. Research Grant History

I have been heavily involved in the design, writing, budgeting and submission of grant proposals which have been successful in securing a total equivalent to c. £3.54 million. Check 'My Projects' for further details.

Currently active research projects

2024 - 2027            PPBio-AmOr: Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade da Amazonia Oriental (‘Eastern Amazon Biodiversity Research Program’. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq), Brazil. UK-PI.

2023 - 2027           INCT-SynBiAm: National Institute of Sciences and Technology for ‘Synthesis of Amazonian Biodiversity’. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq). Grant CNPq-MCTIC 406767/2022-0, Brazil. UK-PI.

2023 - 2024            Voices of Amazonia: knowledge co-production to enhance environmental policy and practices. 2023 Cabot Institute Seedcorn Fund (CNPq), UK. PI.

2023 - 2024            SynPAm: Synthesis for Policy in Amazonia . Research England’s Policy Support Funding via Policy Bristol, Brazil. PI.

2023 - 2024            Scaling Up TAOCA: a technological tool to support low-carbon research with Amazonian biodiversity. Climate and Net Zero impact awards, UK. PI.

Completed research projects

2023 - 2023            CO-SPACE Workshop: CO-designing Sustainable Pathways to Adaptative Communities and Ecosystems. Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Rapid Research Funding (£9.4k), UK. co-PI.

2022 - 2023            FOR-TRAITS: Understanding FOResT species’ Responses to environmentAl change and Influence on ecosysTem functionS. LSJ Foundation/University of Bristol (£22k), UK. PI.

2021 - 2023            PELD-RAS (phase 2): Long-Term Ecological Research Program of the Sustainable Amazon Network. Brazilian Research Council: 2021–2024-PELD call (CNPq; R$475K), Brazil. Co-PI.

2020 - 2023            BIOCLIMATE: BIOdiversity responses to CLIMAte and land-use changes in Tropical forest Ecosystems. BNP Paribas Climate & Biodiversity Initiative (675K € [c. £587K]), France. Co-PI.

2020 - 2023            SYNERGIZE: SYNthesising Ecological Responses to deGradation In amaZonian Environments. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq; R$ 490K [£81K]). Grant CNPq-MCTIC-SinBiose 442354/2019-3, Brazil. Co-PI.

2019 - 2022            SEM-FLAMA: Solutions to reduce the socio-environmental impacts from Fires on protected AMAzonian forests for sustainable use. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq; R$ 123K [£20K]). Grant CNPq-Prevfogo-IBAMA 441949/2018-5, Brazil. Co-I 

2019 - 2022           RESFLORA: Functional RESilience in Amazonian FORests. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq; R$ 53K [£8.8K]). Grant MCIC/CNPq 420254/2018-8, Brazil. Co-PI

2017 - 2021            PELD-RAS (phase 1): Long-Term Ecological Research Program of the Sustainable Amazon Network. Brazilian Research Council (CNPq; R$ 796K [c. £132K]). Grant CAPES-PELD-CNPq 441659/2016-0, Brazil. Named Postdoc/Co-PI

2016 - 2018            AFIRE: Assessing ENSO-induced Fire Impacts in tropical Rainforest Ecosystems. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC; £283K). Grant NE/P004512/1, UK. Named Postdoc. 

6. Awards

2018 - 2020           CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)-funded Postdoctoral fellowship. Research grant: "Long-Term Ecological Research Program of the Sustainable Amazon Network" (PELD-RAS). Supervisors: Joice Ferreira, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Brazil; and Jos Barlow, Lancaster University, UK.

2016-2018              NERC Postdoctoral Research Award.  Research grant: “Assessing ENSO-induced Fire Impacts in tropical Rainforest Ecosystems” (AFIRE). Supervisor:  Jos Barlow, Lancaster University, UK.

2011-2016               CNPq (Brazilian Research Council) Postgraduate Student Research Award - PhD. Research grant to fund full-time graduate study. Supervisor: Julio Louzada, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2013-2014               CNPq  "Science without Borders" Postgraduate Student Research Award - International PhD. Research grant to fund full-time graduate study abroad. Supervisor: Jos Barlow - Lancaster University, UK.

2012                           Santander Postgraduate Student Research Award - PhD. Provided by Santander Universities Global Division, this grant funded a one-month summer internship in the UK. Supervisor: Jos Barlow - Lancaster University, UK.

2010-2011               CNPq Postgraduate Student Research Award - MSc. Full-time Masters scholarship. Supervisor: Julio Louzada, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2010                          Academic Merit and Certificate of Achievement. Award to the best Biology student graduating in 2010, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

2008                          Best poster presentation on Education - Undergraduate. XVII Post-graduation Conference, Lavras, Brazil.

2007 - 2009            FAPEMIG Student Research Award - Undergraduate. Funded by the Research Council of the State of Minas Gerais.  Supervisor: Bruno Monteiro, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil.

7. Other professional activities, service & skills

Professional membership: IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management; British Ecological Society (BES); Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC); and New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES).

Associate Editor: Journal of Applied Ecology (2021-2023)

Refereeing for Journals: Science (2023), Biological Conservation (2017-2023), Acta Amazonica (2023), Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2023), Forest Ecol & Management (2022), Journal of Applied Ecology (2017, 2021), Ecological Indicators (2018-2021), Insects (2021), Nature (2021), Austral Ecology (2021), Brazilian Journal of Entomology (2021), Biotropica (2019-2020), Journal of Ecology (2020), Scientific Reports (2020), Ecology Letters (2020), Journal of Insect Conservation (2016-2020), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2019), Insects (2017), PloS ONE (2016), Global Change Biology (2016), Revista Bosque (2016), Biodiversity Data Journal (2015), Biota Neotropica (2015). 

Language skills: Portuguese (native speaker), English (proficient), Spanish (medium conversation level) and Italian (basic comprehension)

Training: NERC Media Training (Leeds, UK - 2018).

Consultancies: External environmental consultant to the Bicho do Mato Meio Ambiente (2018-present). Dung beetle fauna monitoring within the areas along the Rio Doce (Brazil), which were impacted by the rupture of the 'Fundão' dam in 2015.

Scientific advisory boards: I served as a member of scientific advisory boards guiding a National Policy to combat fires in Brazil and informing the management plan of a forest reserve with >500k hectares and housing >4,000 traditional and indigenous people. 

8. Conference talks and participation

48. França F, Ferreira J, Berenguer E, Lees A, Lennox G, Gardner T, Maia L, Moura NG, Louzada J, Oliveira VHF, Barlow J. (2018) Local and climate-associated stressors combine to threaten the most biodiverse tropical forests. New Zealand Ecological Society 2018 Conference.

47. Nunes CA, França F, Maia L, Solar RRC, Leitão R, Oliveira VHF, Vaz-de-Mello F, Berenguer E, Barlow J, Sayer E, Louzada J. (2018) Impact of forest degradation and species loss on the functional structure of dung beetle communities in Amazonian forests. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018.

46. França F, Ferreira J, Maia L, Vaz-de-Mello F, Louzada J, Oliveira V, Braga R, Berenguer E, Gardner T, Fadini R, Lees A, Barlow J. (2018) How do El Niño droughts and fires interact with anthropogenic forest disturbance to shape tropical biodiversity and associate functions? Evidence from Amazonian dung beetles. 55th Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Malaysia.

45. Berenguer E, França F, Seixas M, Rossi L, Cardoso A, Ferreira J, Gardner T, Malhi Y, Barlow J. (2018) Tree growth and stem carbon accumulation in human-modified forests following drought and fire. 55th Annual Meeting of the ATBC,  Malaysia.

44. França F, Berenguer E, Lees A, Moura N, Maia L, Vaz-de-Mello F, Fadini R, Rossi L, Seixas M, Cardoso A, Oliveira V, Braga R, Louzada J, Ferreira J, Gardner T, Barlow J. (2017) Impacts of the El Niño mediated fires on Amazonian biodiversity and ecological functioning. 54th Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Mexico.

43. Berenguer E, França F, Seixas M, Rossi L, Cardoso A, Ferreira J, Gardner T, Malhi Y, Barlow J. (2017) El Niño impacts on plant community and biomass in human-modified Amazonian forests. 54th Annual Meeting of the ATBC,  Mexico.

42. Maia L, França F, Nascimento A, Faria L. (2017) What frequently literature used estimators change temporally? 54th Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Mexico.

41. Figueira E, Fadini R, França F. (2017) Efeito do manejo florestal de impacto reduzido sobre a dispersão secundária de sementes realizada por besouros. VI Jornada Acadêmica – UFOPA, Brazil.

40. França F, Louzada J, Korasaki V, Griffiths H, Silveira J, Barlow J. (2016) Are we in danger of underestimating biodiversity loss? XI Reunión Latinoamericana de Scarabaeoidología, Brazil.

39. Souza B, Beiroz W, França F, Barlow J, Louzada J. (2016) Do regenerating areas from silviculture harbour similar biodiversity to primary forests? XI Reunión Latinoamericana de Scarabaeoidología, Brazil.

38. Maia L, França F, Monteiro A, Faria L. (2015) A five year food web: Temporal and spatial approaches. I Behavioral Ecology and Interactions Symposium, Brazil.

37. Souza B, França F, Araújo B, Barlow J, Louzada J. (2015) Existe relação entre estresse e obesidade em escarabeíneos tropicais? XXVIII CIUFLA, Brazil.

36. Lyra R, França F, Korasaki V, Braga R, Barlow J, Louzada J. (2015) Influência da estrutura florestal em processos ecológicos do ‘mundo-marrom’. XXVIII CIUFLA, Brazil.

35. Carvalho R, França F, Frazão F, Cordeiro L, Ferreira R. (2015) Let it roll, baby, roll: Dung beetle species specificity in dung removal by two Canthon species. Simpósio Internacional de Entomologia, Brazil.

34. Beiroz W, França F, Griffiths H, Barlow J, Louzada J. (2015) What is more important for functions: Environmental variables, community metrics or traits? Biosymposium, United Kingdom.

33. Korasaki V, Braga R, França F, Silveira J, Barlow J, Gardner T, Louzada J. (2014) Conversión de bosques a pastizales em la Amazonía Brasileña: Los escarabajos de estiércol como bioindicadores. Réunion Latinoamericana de Scarabaeiodologia, Colombia.

32. França F, Korasaki V, Barlow J, Louzada J. (2013) Amazon selective logging: effects on ecological functions provided by dung beetles. Simpósio internacional da Biodiversidade, Brazil.

31. França F, Korasaki V, Beiroz, W. (2013) Conhecendo a biodiversidade do solo. I Simpósio internacional da Biodiversidade, Brazil.

30. Saraiva S, Teixeira E, França F. (2012) Competição intra-específica entre indivíduos de Paepalanthus planifolius (Euriocaulacear: Poales) no Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca – MG. XXI Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

29. Saraiva S, Teixeira E, França, F. (2012) Existe trade-off entre crescimento e reprodução na população de Paepalanthus planifolius (Euriocaulacear: Poales) do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca – MG? XXI Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

28. Queiroz A, Ribas C, França F. (2012) O que afeta a riqueza de formigas epigéicas? XXIV Congresso brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.

27. Louzada J. Braga R, Nichols E, França F, Oliveira V, Solar R, Korasaki V, Schiffler G, Berenguer E, Barlow J, Ferreira J, Gardner T. (2012) Responses of insect diversity and function to landscape change in the Amazon. 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical biology and Conservation, Brazil.

26. Beiroz W, França F. (2012) Spatial distribution of Scarabaeinae related to vegetation structure. 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical biology and Conservation, Brazil.

25. Andrade R, França F, Korasaki V, Santos M, Louzada J. (2012) Tempo de pós-corte seletivo e biomassa de besouros rola-bosta influenciando as funções ecológicas. XXI Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

24. Ribeiro C, França F, Frazão F, Korasaki V, Louzada J. (2012) Comunidade de besouros escarabeíneos no período pós-corte seletivo em áreas de Floresta Amazônica. XXI Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

23. Santos M, França F, Korasaki V, Ribeiro C, Louzada J. (2012) Efeito da cobertura do dossel sobre a comunidade de besouros rola-bosta e suas funções ecológicas. XXI Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

22. França F, Rosa C, Oliveira R, Louzada J. (2011) Comunidade de besouros Scarabaeinae associada à diferentes tipos de isca. X Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Brazil.

21. França F, Rosa C, Oliveira R, Louzada J. (2011) Diversidade e efeito de borda sobre Scarabaeinae em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica. X Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Brazil.

20. Oliveira R, Frazão F, França F, Braga R, Louzada J. (2011) Comunidade de besouros Scarabaeinae e suas funções ecológicas associadas à diferentes pastagens e um fragmento de mata. XX Congresso de Pós-graduação, Brazil.

19. Alves F., França F, Louzada J. (2010) Caracterização morfológica de três espécies do gênero Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.

18. França F, Macedo R, Alves F, Braga R, Louzada J. (2010) Diversidade de escarabeíneos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em área de pastoreio Voisin, pastoreo extensivo e mata. II Simpósio de Entomologia, Brazil.

17. França F, Macedo R, Alves F, Oliveira V, Zanella L, Louzada J. (2010) Estrutura da comunidade de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em área de pastagem e Mata Atlântica, no município de Aiuruoca-MG. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.

16. Frazão F, Souza C, Vidaurre T, França F, Louzada J. (2010) Estrutura, forrageamento vertical e preferência alimentar de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em três fitofisionomias de Mata Atlântica, MG - Brasil. II Simpósio de Entomologia, Brazil.

15. Macedo R, Frazão F, Alves F, França F, Louzada J. (2010) Levantamento de espécies de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) atraídas por fezes, pertencentes à Serra da Mantiqueira. XXIII CIUFLA, Brazil.

14. Macedo R, Frazão F, Alves F, França F, Louzada J. (2010) Padrões de diversidade e composição da comunidade de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em ambientes naturais e pastagem introduzida em Carrancas-MG. XXIII CIUFLA,  Brazil.

13. França F, Alves F, Macedo R, Oliveira V, Zanella L, Louzada J. (2010) Preferência alimentar de Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em áreas de floresta primária e pastagem, no município de Aiuruoca-MG. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.

12. Alves F, França F, Louzada J. (2010) Relação entre o modo de vôo e a morfometria em dez espécies de besouros da tribo Canthonini (Scarabaeinae). XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.

11. França F, Schiffler G, Korasaki V, Vaz-de-Mello F, Louzada J. (2009) Diversidade de Scarabaeinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em floresta e lavrado (savana) no estado de Roraima. IX Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Brazil.

10. Viana E, Monteiro B, Melo J, França F, Silva J. (2009) Promovendo a educação e a divulgação em Ciências entre os estudantes de Lavras por meio de ações no museu de história natural da UFLA. IV Congresso de Extensão da UFLA, Lavras, Brazil.

9. França F, Silva T, Oliveira M, Louzada J. (2009) Inventariamento de formigas (Insecta: Hymenoptera) em uma área de floresta e lavrado (savana) no estado de Roraima. XIX Simpósio de Mimercologia, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

8. Alves F, França F., Macedo R., Nicolai L., Braga R., Louzada J. (2009) Serviços ambientais prestados por Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) em área de floresta Amazônica, Monte Dourado - PA. IX Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, Brazil.

7. França F, Alves F, Macedo R, Oliveira V, Braga R, Louzada J. (2009) Serviços ambientais realizados por Scarabaeinae em eucaliptal, corredor ecológico e floresta nativa na Amazônia brasileira. III Congresso Latino-Americano de Ecologia, Brazil.

6. Melo J, Viana E, França F, Monteiro B. (2008) Ensino de ciências em espaços não formais de educação: despertando o interesse de adolescentes pelas ciências. XXII Encontro Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Química-MG, Brazil.

5. França F, Silva J, Viana E, Monteiro B. O conceito de museus de ciências para alunos da rede pública e a importância desses espaços no ensino de ciências. XXII Encontro Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Química-MG, Brazil.

4. Silva J, Viana E, França F, Monteiro B. (2008) O projeto UFLA Ciência e a importância dos espaços não formais na disseminação do conhecimento científico. XXI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA, Brazil.

3. França F, Silva J, Melo J, Monteiro B. (2008) O Projeto UFLA Ciência e o uso de museus em atividades não formais de ensino. XVII Congresso de Pós-Graduação da UFLA, Brazil.

2. Silva J, Viana E, França F, Monteiro B. (2008) Projeto UFLA Ciência: Estudo da concepção de museus de ciências para alunos do Ensino básico. XXI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UFLA,  Brazil.

1. França F, Braga R, Louzada J. (2008) Pedoturbação e remoção de carcaças por escarabeíneos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) em área de Floresta Amazônica. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Brazil.