
Jungle Fun & Research team

Large-scale studies would be impossible if researchers did not count and learn from the great people who collaborate and assist in the ground-based activities. During the year I lived in the Tapajós National Forest, I was lucky to meet and work with a great team of local field assistants, students, and multi-country researchers.

The forest beauties & threats

I am very far away from being a photographer, but there are some recorded moments that I think worth sharing. Some photos for their beauty, others for showing something new and/or unexpected.

Not everyone knows that the Amazon houses one of the largest spiders in the world, the Goliath Bird-Eating Spider or Giant Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi). This one was a bit bigger than my hand (leg span around 25 cm). Our paths were crossed in the Amazonian forests of Jari region (Feb/2011), when I first went to an undisturbed tropical forest.

But not everything is gigantic in the Jari's forests, and I remember how surprised I was to find this little one (Feb/2011).








