

Malekian V, Graedel NN, Hickling A, Aghaeifar A, Dymerska B, Corbin N, Josephs O, Maguire EA, Callaghan MF (2023). Mitigating susceptibility-induced distortions in high-resolution 3DEPI fMRI at 7T. NeuroImage, 279:120294. Full Text.

Milotta G, Green I, Roiser JP, Callaghan MF (2023). In vivo multi-parameter mapping of the habenula using MRI. Sci. Rep. 13(1):3754. Full Text.   

Corbin N, Oliveira R, Raynaud Q, Di Domenicantonio G, Draganski B, Kherif F, Callaghan MF, Lutti A (2023). Statistical analyses of motion-corrupted MRI relaxometry data computed from multiple scans. J. Neurosci. Methods. 398:109950. Full Text.

Haarsma J, Deveci N, Corbin N, Callaghan MF, Kok P (2023). Expectation cues and false percepts generate stimulus-specific activity in distinct layers of the early visual cortex. J. Neurosci. Full Text.

Fritz FJ, Mordhorst L, Ashtarayeh M, Periquito J, Pohlmann A, Morawski M, Jäger C, Niendorf T, Pine KJ, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Mohammadi S (2023). Fiber-orientation independent component of R2* obtained from single-orientation MRI measurements in simulations and a post-mortem human optic chiasm. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Methods. 17:1133086. Full Text.


Milotta G, Corbin N, Lambert C, Lutti A, Mohammadi S, Callaghan MF (2022). Mitigating the impact of flip angle and orientation dependence in single compartment R2* estimates via two pool modelling. Magn. Reson. Med. Full Text.

Mohammadi S, Streubel T, Klock L, Edwards LJ, Lutti A, Pine KJ, Weber S, Scheibe P, Ziegler G, Gallinat J, Kühn S, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Tabelow K (2022). Error quantification in multi-parameter mapping facilitates robust estimation and enhanced group level sensitivity. NeuroImage, 262:119529. Full Text.

Chow-Wing-Bom, H, Callaghan MF, Wang J, Wei S, Dick F, Yu-Wai-Man P, Dekker T (2022). Neuroimaging in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects. NeuroImage: Clinical. Full Text.

Vaculčiaková L, Podranski K, Edwards LJ, Ocal D, Veale T, Fox NC, Haak R, Ehses P, Callaghan MF, Pine KJ, Weiskopf N (2022). Combining navigator and optical prospective motion correction for high quality 500μm resolution quantitative multi-parameter mapping at 7T. Magn. Reson. Med. 88(2):787-801. Full Text.

Balbastre Y, Aghaeifar A, Corbin N, Brudfors M, Ashburner J, Callaghan MF (2022). Correcting inter-scan motion artefacts in quantitative R1 mapping at 7T. Magn. Reson. Med. Full Text

Lutti A, Corbin C, Ashburner J, Ziegler G, Draganski B, Phillips C, Kherif F, Callaghan MF, Di Domenicantonio G (2022). Restoring statistical validity in group analyses of motion-corrupted MRI data. Human Brain Mapping, 43(6):1973-1983. Full Text.


Corbin N & Callaghan MF (2021). Imperfect spoiling in variable flip angle T1 mapping at 7T: quantifying and minimising impact. Magn. Reson. Med. Full Text.

Mohammadi S & Callaghan MF (2021). Towards in vivo g-ratio mapping using MRI: Unifying myelin and diffusion imaging. J. Neurosci. Methods, 348:108990. Full Text.

Clark IA, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Maguire EA (2021).  The relationship between hippocampal-dependent task performance and hippocampal grey matter myelination and iron content. Brain and Neuroscience Advances, 5:1-8. Full Text.

Lazari A, Salvan P, Cottaar M, Papp D, van der Werf OJ, Johnstone A, Sanders Z, Sampaio-Baptista C, Eichert N, Miyamoto K, Winkler A, Callaghan MF, Nichols TE, Stagg CJ, Rushworth M, Verhagen L, Johansen-Berg H (2021). “Reassessing associations between white matter and behaviour with multimodal microstructural imaging”, Cortex, 145:187:200.

Clark IA, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Maguire EA, Mohammadi S (2021). “Reducing susceptibility distortion related image blurring in diffusion MRI EPI data”. Front. Neurosci., Brain Imaging Methods, 15:706473.

Balbastre Y, Brudfors M, Azzarito M, Lambert C, Callaghan MF, Ashburner J (2021). Model-based Multi-parameter mapping.  Medical Image Analysis, 73:102149.

Nethisinghe S, Kesavan M, Ging H, Labrum R, Polke JM, Islam S, Garcia-Moreno H, Callaghan MF, Cavalcanti F, Pook MA, Giunti P (2021), “Interruptions of the FXN GAA repeat tract delay the age at onset of Friedreich’s ataxia in a location dependent manner”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(14), 7507.


Aitken F, Menelaou G, Warrington O, Koolschijn RS, Corbin N, Callaghan MF, Kok P (2020). Prior expectations evoke stimulus templates in the deep layers of V1. PLoS Biol 18(12): e3001023. Full Text.

Azzarito M, Kyathanahally SP, Balbastre Y, Seif M, Blaiotta C, Callaghan MF, Ashburner J, Freund P (2020). Simultaneous voxel-wise analysis of brain and spinal cord morphometry and microstructure within the SPM framework. HBM, 41(1):220-232. Full Text.

Clark IA, Monk AM, Hotchin V, Pizzamiglio G, Liefgreen A, Callaghan MF, Maguire EA (2020). Does hippocampal volume explain performance differences on hippocampal-dependent tasks? NeuroImage, 221:117211. Full Text.


Corbin N, Acosta-Cabronero J, Malik S, Callaghan MF (2019). Robust 3D Bloch-Siegert based B1+ mapping using Multi-Echo General Linear Modelling. MRM, 82(6):2003-2015. Full Text. In MRM's top 10% of downloaded papers for 2019. 

Papazoglou S, Streubel T, Ashterayeh M, Edwards L, Pine K, Brammerloh M, Kirilina E, Morawski M, Jäger C, Geyer S, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Mohammadi S (2019). Biophysically motivated efficient estimation of the spatially isotropic R2 component from a single gradient-recalled echo measurement. MRM, 82(5):1804-1811. Full Text. MRM Editor’s Pick, November 2019. 

Karolis VR, Callaghan MF, Tseng JC, Hope T, Weiskopf N, Rees G, Cappelletti M (2019). Spatial Gradients of Healthy Ageing: A Study of Myelin-Sensitive Maps. Neurobiol. Aging, 79:83-92. Full Text.

Callaghan MF, Lutti A, Ashburner A, Balteau E, Corbin N, Draganski B, Helms G, Kherif F, Leutritz T, Mohammadi S, Phillips C, Reimer E, Ruthotto L, Seif M, Tabelow K, Ziegler G, Weiskopf N (2019). Example dataset for the hMRI toolbox. Data In Brief, 25:104132. Full Text.

Tabelow K, Balteau E, Ashburner J, Callaghan MF, Draganski B, Helms G, Kherif F, Leutritz T, Lutti A, Phillips C, Reimer E, Ruthotto L, Seif M, Weiskopf N, Ziegler G, Mohammadi S (2019). hMRI - A toolbox for quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research. NeuroImage, 194:191-210. Full Text.

Callaghan MF, Negus C, Leff AP, Creasey M, Burns S, Glensman J, Bradbury D, Williams E, Weiskopf N (2019). Safety of Tattoos in Persons Undergoing MRI. NEJM, 380(5):495-6. Full Text.

Volz S, Callaghan MF, Josephs O, Weiskopf N (2019). Maximising BOLD sensitivity through automated EPI protocol optimisation. NeuroImage, 189:159-170. Full Text.

Zeidman P, Kazan SM, Todd N, Weiskopf N, Friston KJ, Callaghan MF (2019). Optimising data for modelling neuronal responses, Front. Neurosci., 12:1-16. Full Text.

Lee Y, Callaghan MF, Acosta-Cabronero J, Lutti A, Nagy Z (2019). Establishing Intra- and Inter-vendor Reproducibility of T1 Relaxation Time Measurements with 3T MRI. Magn. Reson. Med., 81(1):454-465. Full Text  MRM Editor’s Pick, January 2019 and in MRM's top 10% of downloaded papers for 2019.


Corbin N, Todd N, Friston KJ, Callaghan MF (2018). Accurate modelling of temporal correlations in rapidly sampled fMRI time series. HBM, 39(10): 3884-3897. Full Text. In HBM's top 10% of downloaded papers for 2019.

Acosta-Cabronero J, Milovic C, Mattern H, Tejos C, Speck O, Callaghan MF (2018). A robust multi-scale approach to quantitative susceptibility mapping. NeuroImage, 183:7-24.

Agustus JL, Golden HL, Callaghan MF, Hailstone JC, Weiskopf N, Warren JD (2018). Melody processing characterises functional neuroanatomy in the ageing brain. Front. Neurosci., 12:815.

Bonaiuto J, Meyer S, Little S, Rossiter H, Callaghan MF, Dick F, Barnes G, Bestmann S (2018). Lamina-specific cortical dynamics in human visual and sensorimotor cortices. eLife, 7:1-32.

Canna A, Ponticorvo S, Russo AG, Manara R, Di Salle F, Saponiero R, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Esposito F (2018). A group-level comparison of volumetric and combined volumetric-surface normalization for whole brain analyses of myelin and iron maps. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 54:225-240.

Aguilar OM, Kerry SJ, Crinion JT, Callaghan MF, Woodhead ZVJ, Leff AP (2018). Dorsal and ventral visual stream contributions to preserved reading ability in patients with central alexia. Cortex, 106:200-212.

Castella R, Arn L, Dupuis E, Callaghan MF, Draganski B, Lutti A (2018). Controlling motion artefact levels in MR images by suspending data acquisition during periods of head motion. Magn. Reson. Med., 80(6):2415-2426. Full Text.

Aguilar OM, Kerry SJ, Ong YH, Callaghan MF, Crinion J, Woodhead ZV, Price CJ, Leff AP, Hope TMH (2018). Lesion site dependent responses to therapy after aphasic stroke. J. Neurol., Neurosur., Psych. jnnp-2017-317446. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-317446.

Hämmerer D, Callaghan MF, Hopkins A, Kosciessa J, Betts M, Cardenas-Blanco A, Kanowski M, Weiskopf N, Dayan P, Dolan RJ, Düzel E (2018). Locus Coeruleus integrity in old age is selectively related to memories linked with salient negative events. PNAS, 115(9):2228-2233. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1712268115.


Carey D, Caprini F, Allen M, Lutti A, Weiskopf N, Rees G, Callaghan MF*, Dick F* (2017). Quantitative MRI provides markers of intra-, inter-regional, and age-related differences in young adult cortical microstructure. NeuroImage, in press. *Shared Senior Authorship. Featured in the “MR Imaging of Brain Microstructure” Special Issue.

Bonaiuto JJ, Rossiter HE, Meyer SS, Adams N, Little S, Callaghan MF, Dick F, Bestmann S, Barnes GR (2017). Non-invasive laminar inference with MEG: Comparison of methods and source inversion algorithms. NeuroImage, 167:372-383. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.11.068.

Dick F, Lehet M, Callaghan MF, Keller T, Sereno MI, Holt L (2017). Extensive tonotopic mapping across auditory cortex is recapitulated by spectrally-directed attention, and systematically related to cortical myeloarchitecture. J. Neuroscience, 37(50):12187-12201. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1436-17.2017.

Lee Y, Callaghan MF, Nagy Z (2017) Analysis of the Precision of Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping with Emphasis on the Noise Propagated from RF Transmit Field Maps. Front. Neurosci., 11:106.

Allen M, Glen JC, Müllensiefen D, Schwarzkopf DS, Fardo F, Frank D, Callaghan MF, Rees G (2017). Metacognitive ability correlates with hippocampal and prefrontal microstructure. NeuroImage, 149 415-423.

Allen M, Frank D, Glen J, Fardo F, Callaghan MF, Rees G (2017). Insula and somatosensory cortical myelination and iron markers underlie individual differences in empathy. Nat. Sci. Rep., 7:43316.

Kumar S, Tansley-Hancock O, Sedley W, Winston JS, Callaghan MF, Allen M, Cope TE, Gander PE, Bamiou D, Griffiths TD (2017). The brain basis of misophonia. Current Biology, 27(4), 527-533.

Carey D, Krishnan S, Callaghan MF, Sereno MI, Dick F (2017). Functional and quantitative MRI mapping of somatomotor representations of human supralaryngeal vocal tract. Cerebral Cortex, 27 (1): 265-278.

Meyer SS, Bonaiuto J, Lim M, Rossiter H, Waters S, Bradbury D, Bestmann S, Brookes M, Callaghan MF, Weiskopf N, Barnes GR (2017). Flexible head-casts for high spatial precision MEG. J. Neurosci. Meth., 276:38–45. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.11.009.


Callaghan MF, Mohammadi S, Weiskopf N (2016). Synthetic Quantitative MRI through Relaxometry Modelling. NMR in Biomed. 29 (12): 1729-1738.

Whitaker KJ, Vértes PE, Romero-Garcia R, Váša F, Moutoussis M, Prabhu G, Weiskopf N, Callaghan MF, Wagstyl KS, Rittman T, Tait R, Ooi C, Suckling J, Inkster B, Fonagy P, Dolan RJ, Jones PB, Goodyer IM, Bullmore ET, NSPN Consortium (2016). Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601745113.

Kullmann S, Callaghan MF, Heni M, Weiskopf N, Scheffler K, Häring H-U, Fritsche A, Veit R, Preissl H (2016). Specific white matter tissue microstructure changes associated with obesity. NeuroImage, 125, 36–44.

Jutzeler C, Huber E, Callaghan MF, Luechinger R, Curt A, Kramer JLK, Freund P (2016). Association of pain and CNS structural changes after spinal cord injury. Nat. Sci. Rep. 6:18534. doi: 10.1038/srep18534

Papp D, Callaghan MF, Meyer H, Buckley C, Weiskopf N (2016). Correction of inter-scan motion artefacts in quantitative R1 mapping by accounting for receive coil sensitivity effects. Magn. Reson. Med. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26058.

Kazan S, Mohammadi S, Callaghan MF, Flandin G, Huber L, Leech R, Kennerley A, Windischberger C, Weiskopf N (2016). Vascular Autorescaling of fMRI (VasA fMRI) Improves Sensitivity of Population Studies: A Pilot Study. NeuroImage, 124: 794-805.


Weiskopf N, Mohammadi S, Lutti A, Callaghan MF (2015). Advances in MRI-based computational neuroanatomy: from morphometry to in vivo histology (hMRI). Curr. Opin. Neurol., 28:313-322.

Mohammadi S, Carey D, Dick F, Diedrichsen J, Serno MI, Reisert M, Callaghan MF*, Weiskopf N* (2015). Whole-brain in-vivo measurements of the axonal g-ratio in a group of 37 healthy volunteers. Front. Neurosci. 9:441. *Shared Senior Authorship.

Callaghan MF, Helms G, Lutti A, Mohammadi S, Weiskopf N (2015). A general linear relaxometry model of R1 using imaging data. Magn. Reson. Med., 73(3):1309-1314. Featured in the “Bridging the Macro-Micro Gap” Virtual Issue.

Callaghan MF, Josephs O, Herbst M, Zaitsev M, Todd N, Weiskopf N (2015). An evaluation of Prospective Motion Correction (PMC) for high resolution quantitative MRI. Front. Neurosci. 9:97.

Grabher P, Callaghan MF, Ashburner J, Weiskopf N, Thompson A, Curt A, Freund P (2015). Tracking Sensory System Atrophy and Outcome Prediction in Spinal Cord Injury. Ann Neurol, 78 (5), 751-761.

Todd N, Josephs O, Callaghan MF, Lutti A, Weiskopf N (2015). Prospective motion correction of 3D echo-planar imaging data for functional MRI using optical tracking. NeuroImage, 113:1-12.


Callaghan MF, Freund P, Draganski B, Anderson E, Cappelletti M, Chowdhury R, Diedrichsen J, FitzGerald THB, Smittenaar P, Helms G, Lutti A, Weiskopf N (2014). Wide-spread age-related differences in human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative MRI. Neurobiol Aging, 35(8):1862-1872.

Helbling S, Teki S, Callaghan MF, Sedley W, Mohammadi S, Griffiths TD, Weiskopf N, Barnes GR (2014). Structure predicts function: combining non-invasive electrophysiology with in-vivo histology. NeuroImage, 108:377-385.

Weiskopf N, Callaghan MF, Josephs O, Lutti A, Mohammadi S (2014). Estimating the apparent transverse relaxation time (R2*) from images with different contrasts (ESTATICS) reduces motion artifacts. Front. Neurosci. 8:1-10.