Player Awards - 2023/24 Season

Senior Men:

MVP: pending...

Defensive Player of the Year: pending...

Most Improved Player pending...

Best Team Player: pending...

Top Scorer: pending...

Under 18s:

MVP: pending...

Defensive Player of the Year: pending...

Most Improved Player pending...

Best Team Player: pending...

Top Scorer: pending...

Under 16s

MVP: pending...

Defensive Player of the Year: pending...

Most Improved Player pending...

Best Team Player: pending...

Top Scorer: pending...


Best Overall Player: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...


Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...


Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Rising Star: pending...

Coach Award - 2022/23 Season

On March 7, 2023, our Community Engagement Officer (and multi-team coach), Gavin Hugh, was presented with the runner up award for Coach of the Year 2023 at the Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council Awards in recognition of his efforts during the 2022/23 season.

Gavin was nominated in recognition for all the coaching he delivers on behalf of the Club, during the day to Primary and High School pupils, running a criculum School of Basketball sessions, and after school sessions.

In addition, during the evening and weekends Gavin volunteers as Head Coach for the U10’s, U14’s U16’s and U18 delivering training sessions for our Club players.

He also promotes the delivery of the Saltire Award, training and supporting our younger coaches in the sport.

He also organises and delivers the successful Summer, October and Easter Basketball Camps.

He has been the face of our club for the last few years, welcoming new players into the club, managing players movements as the progress through the club sections.

He is also behind the scenes creating social media news releases on the various media platforms.

it does not end there, where Gavin also volunteers as one of the U14 Regional Coaches, where he runs advanced basketball sessions, shaping our next Scottish players.

So you can see, the work Gavin continues to undertake, and in his own time, he is worthy of this award, and we thank him for his enthusiasm as he continues to coach our players in the Club.

Congratulations Gavin

Club Committee


Player Awards - 2022/23 Season

Senior Men:

Club MVP: Logan Tocher

Most Improved Offensive: Cameron Gillespie

Most Improved Defensive: Callum Hotchkiss

Best Team Player: Sam Prestage

Most Improved Overall: Cameron Gillespie

Top Scorer: Logan Tocher


Best Overall: Charlie-Joseph Moran

Most Improved Offensive: Joel Galvez-Brown

Most Improved Defensive: Finn Thompson

Best Team Player: Alfie O'Neil

Most Improved Overall: Enes Ayyaldaz

Top Scorer: Charlie-Joseph Moran


Best Overall: Callum Laurie

Most Improved 1: Alexander Tanco

Most Improved 2: Finlay Gibb

Most Improved 3: Billy Braid

A few of our Under 12s and Girls were also awarded 'Most Improved' within their squads while our coaching support volunteers were awarded medals for their assistance throughout the season.

Team Award - 2021/22 Season

In March, 2023, Our Senior Men received a nomination for Best Team Award at the Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council Awards in recognition of performances in the 2021/22 season.

After 2 and a bit years of no events due to Covid, KCFSC were able to return to Fife College, in Kirkcaldy, for a few hours of celebration of sporting achievement coming out of the borough over the past year.

A few of the Senior Men players along with Ross and Malc from the Committee were in attendance at the awards in Thursday night, witness to a number of awards given out in different categories to some incredible athletes and their achievements over the year. Who knew Kirkcaldy had so many elite athletes?

Ostensibly looking at 21/22 as a marker for achievement the Council saw fit to nominate our senior Men on the back of their excellent Lothian League Division 2 Play-Off victory.

While the lads didn’t win the overall award they were gifted medals and a nice glass trophy as one of the 2 runners up in the category. The category winners were the high achieving Kirkcaldy Kestrals Ice Hockey team.

Since 2019/20 season the Senior Men have done fairly well, given our new status in the league, winning the Third division league title without sweat, suffering a ponderous wait over the covid-times with no competition and then returning to action in 21/22 and winning the play-offs for Division 2.

This award, though a runner up one, adds to that tally and we can only look forward from here – for all our squads!


Player Awards - 2021/22 Season

Senior Men:

MVP: Logan Tocher

Best Offensive: Logan Tocher

Best Defensive: Konor Grieve

Best Team Player: Ian Hildersley

Top Scorer: Logan Tocher

Youth Men:

MVP: Sam Prestage

Best Offensive: Lewis Small

Best Defensive: Charlie Foy

Best Team Player: Charlie Foy

Top Scorer: Lewis Small


Best Overall: Connor Taylor

Best Offensive: Connor Taylor

Best Defensive: Chisamalo Makiyi

Best Team Player: Callum Clelland

Top Scorer: Connor Taylor


Best Overall: Ryan McDonald

Most Improved 1: Callum Laurie

Most Improved 2: Joel Galvez-Brown

Most Improved 3: Alfie O'Neill

A few of our Under 12s and Girls were also awarded 'Most Improved' within their squads while our coaching support volunteers were awarded medals for their assistance throughout the season.

Player Awards - 2020/21 Season

The pandemic prevented the club for participating in organised competition however, 2 of our coaching volunteers were given special awards as a thanks you for their commitment to session delivery to our younger age groups, often at outdoor courts and for almost the entirety of the 2020/21 season. 

Charlie Foy and Gavin Hugh

Recipients of our one-off awards - special one-off club basketball tops - and holding a Fife Sports Recognition Award (awarded by Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council)

Player Awards - 2019/20 Season

Senior Men:

MVP: Logan Tocher

Best Offensive: Logan Tocher

Best Defensive: Callum Hotchkiss

Best Team Player: Jakub Pakowski

Top Scorer: Logan Tocher

Youth Men:

MVP: Gavin Hugh

Best Offensive: Liam McGlashan

Best Defensive: Lewis Small

Best Team Player: Charlie Foy

Top Scorer: Jamie Sapcote


Best Overall: Callum Williamson

Most Improved 1: Lewis Neil

Most Improved 2: Ross Murphy

Most Improved 3: Brendon Lorimer

Most Improved 4: Jack Anderson


Best Overall: Andrew Sandbach

Most Improved 1: Jamie Ross

Most Improved 2: Cameron Ives

Most Improved 3: Callum Clelland

Most Improved 4: Kacper Przewozniak

Player Awards - 2018/19 Season

Senior Men:

MVP: Logan Tocher


Best Overall: Josh Guild

Most Improved 1:  Charlie Foy

Most Improved 2: Jack Anderson


Best Overall

Player Awards - 2017/18 Season


Best Overall: Rowan Brown

Most Improved 1: Gavin Hugh

Most Improved 2: Luke McArthur


Best Overall: Josh Guild

Most Improved 1: Charlie Foy

Most Improved 2:  Daniel Brown


Best Overall: Ross Murphy

Most Improved 1: Jack Anderson

Coach Jake and Chairman Ross alongside some of the award winners from 2017/18

Player Awards - 2016/17 Season


Best Overall: Jack Bridgeford

Most Improved 1: Billy Buchan

Most Improved 2: Gavin Hugh

Most Improved 3: Luke McArthur


Best Overall: Charlie Foy

Most Improved 1: Daniel Brown

Most Improved 2: Ben Saunders

Most Improved 3: Jack Anderson


Best Overall: Rannoch Thomson