What activities can I do?

You can participate in competitions like Science Olympiad and Science Bowl through pretests/performance evaluations. Science Olympiad has events with many niche topics such as Ornithology, Forensics, Anatomy and Physiology, Rocks and Minerals, etc. Science Bowl questions are on the topics of biology, chemistry, physics, math, earth and space, and energy. See the SCIOLY and SCIBO pages for more info. 

You can also participate in other events like Science Bowl Invitationals, Biology Olympiad, Chemistry Olympiad, F=ma (Physics Olympiad), SASEF, TJSHS, and STEM Day. Additionally, you can volunteer to give a presentation on any topic (slightly related to science). 

For more details, see the Events page. 

How can I stay in contact with Science Club?

Follow our Instagram: @farragutsciclub and join our Remind: @fhssci24.

When and where are meetings?

Meeting's are in Mr. Milligan's room (1201) every Friday after school.  Lectures last from 3:40-4:10 pm typically.

Do I need any knowledge before joining Science Club?

Yes. You need AT LEAST 3 Nobel Prizes, 6 patents, and 20 published research papers. No exceptions!

What are the fees to join?

A red corvette, five beach houses in Maui (one for each officer- they best be insured :D), college tuition, volcanic ash, and a strand of Justin's hair.  An up-front, cash-only down payment of $380,510,810 is also required. This fee is non-negotiable, unless you're paying more. (If you see this message, please see Jesse for a small prize :D

What is the meaning of life?

We don't know.

Do you?