Formal Epistemology Workshop 


The Formal Epistemology Workshop 2023 will be co-hosted by Northeastern University's Department of Philosophy and Religion and MIT's Department of Linguistics and Philosophy

It will take place at the Cabral Center, Northeastern University Campus, Boston on 12-14 June 2023.

Event Summary

LocationCabral Center, Northeastern Campus, Boston 

Address: Bottom Floor, 40 Leon St, Boston, MA  02115, United States (Google Maps)

Date: 12-14 June 2023

Official Schedule

Monday, 12-June

9:00-9:30 — Breakfast

9:30-11:15 (Main) — Gabrielle Kerbel, "Expected Accuracy and Educated Guesses," and comments by Jennifer Carr

11:15-11:30 — Tea Time 

11:30-11:45 (Poster) — Saira Khan, "Metatickles and Death in Damascus"

12:00-1:45 — Lunch

1:45-3:30 (Main) — Amirhossein Ajalloeian, "Probabilism Through a Transform: An Improved Accuracy Argument for Probabilism," and comments by Benjamin Levinstein

3:30-3:45 — Tea Time

3:45-5:30 (Main) — Zach Barnett, "Against Risk-Aversion" and comments by Ryan Doody

Tuesday, 13-June

9:00-9:30 — Breakfast

9:30-11:15 (Main) — Ginger Schultheis, "Accurate Updating," and comments by Pablo Zendejas Medina 

11:15-11:30 — Tea Time

11:30-11:45 (Poster) — Somayeh Tohidi, "Stereotypes Destabalise Statistically Grounded Credences"

12:00-1:45 — Lunch

1:45-3:30 (Main) — Mikayla Kelley, "A Contextual Accuracy Dominance Argument for Probabilism," and comments by Jer Steeger

3:30-3:45 — Tea Time

3:45-5:30 (Main) — Hanti Lin, "The Unity of Statistics," and comments by Roger White

Wednesday, 14-June

9:00-9:30 — Breakfast

9:30-11:15 (Main) — David Thorstad, "The Complexity-Coherence Tradeoff in Cognition," and comments by Jeremy Goodman

11:15-11:30 — Tea Time

11:30-11:45 (Poster) — Shimin Zhao, "Old Evidence and a Causal Analysis of Confirmation"

12:00-1:45 — Lunch

1:45-3:30 (Main) — Weng Kin San, "Evidential Foundations for Probability," and comments by Kenny Easwaran

3:30-3:45 — Tea Time

3:45-5:30 (Main) — Sarah Moss, "A Synthesis View of Counterfactuals," and comments by Melissa Fusco


Click Here to Register


We invite paper submissions in formal epistemology broadly construed, including but not limited to probability, decision and game theory, philosophy of science, logic, philosophy of language, social epistemology, as well as suitable papers that intersect with aligned scientific disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, and statistics.

Paper submissions should be no longer than 6,000 words and should be accompanied by an abstract of maximally 200 words. 

Accepted papers should be suitable for 45 minutes presentation time, followed by 10-15 minutes commentary, and 45 minutes of general discussion. 

Graduate students whose submissions are not selected for the main program may be invited to give a 10 minute poster presentation.

We welcome and strongly encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy, as well as early career researchers and students.

All submissions should be prepared for anonymous review.

Click here to make a submission

Financial Support

Graduate students whose submissions are accepted to the main program will be eligible for funding for accommodation and travel. Those accepted for poster sessions can apply for financial support for accommodation and travel, which may be available. 

 We will also aim to provide additional resources and supports for those hoping to attend who may need or wish to bring their small children.

Important Dates

Local Organisers

FEW Organisers
