I'm an assistant professor at the department of philosophy at Notre Dame. [PhilPeople] [cv]
I work in ethics, practical rationality, and epistemology. Current research interests include collective action problems, aggregation and risk, and followability of norms.
I'm always happy to receive comments on written work or work in progress—write to me!
Save the Five: Meeting Taurek's Challenge, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (forthcoming).
Six Roles for Inclination, Mind (forthcoming).
It Seems to Me I'm Right But Probably I'm Not: Philosophical Partisanship with Humility, in Attitude in Philosophy (forthcoming, eds. S. Goldberg and M. Walker). Oxford University Press.
Rational Moral Ignorance, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2021). [link]
Why You Should Vote to Change the Outcome, Philosophy & Public Affairs (2020). [link]
*Featured in The Philosopher's Annual 2021.
Philosophy Without Belief, Mind (2019). [link]
*Featured in OUP's annual Best of Philosophy promotion.Belief Dependence: How Do the Numbers Count? Philosophical Studies (2019). [link]
Tolerance and the Distributed Sorites, Synthese (2019). [link]
No Free Lunch: The Significance of Tiny Contributions, Analysis (2018). [link]
*Featured in OUP's annual Best of Philosophy promotion.Fool Me Once: Can Indifference Vindicate Induction? (with Han Li), Episteme (2018). [link]
Conciliationism and Merely Possible Disagreement (with Han Li), Synthese (2015). [link]