Statistical inference

(BSc Math, 3rd year, Spring 2021)

Welcome to any students and curious people that have somehow decided to drop by! For some of the people taking this course, this will be the most difficult and last statistics lessons you will ever take, so my colleagues and I will try to make the experience as painless, pleasant and formative as possible.


Prof. González-Manteiga and myself are in charge of the students of the second half of the alphabet, specifically of the following topics:

Course materials

The USC online campus for the course contains Prof. González-Manteiga's detailed notes for the theoretical classes, as well as several sets of exercises for the problem sessions. My classes will be devoted to refreshing the former and to developing the latter. I might add some materials on this site in the future if I deem it necessary, but in any case the main communication channel will be the USC online campus, so there's no need to check this site for updates.

Video channel

I will be recording all my classes, at least while we maintain the remote learning scenario. From that point on, I'll try to keep doing it, but I can't ensure yet that I'll have the necessary technical resources available at the Faculty of Mathematics, due to high demand.


As there are already really good course materials, I don't see the need for creating much more... However, I'm aware that part of my first classes couldn't be followed very clearly, neither live nor in the recording, due to tech issues. So I've produced a detailed document explaining how to compute the sampling distribution of the range of a uniform variable. The part about the asymptotics is just an addendum, in case anyone wants to learn more than what is required for the exam (for the exam, getting to the beta distribution is more than enough). Once you understand the first 1.75 pages of the document, all the exercises of chapter 1 should be easy for you.

Rango de una uniforme - Inferencia Estadística.pdf