
(BSc Biol, 1st year, Spring 2021)

Welcome, students and any other curious people that have somehow decided to drop by! For some of the people taking this course, these will be the first and last statistics lessons you'll ever take, so my colleagues and I will try to make the experience as painless, pleasant and formative as possible.

Statistics is of uttermost importance in all of the natural sciences and particularly in any biologist's thought process. Due to time constraints and teachers-to-students ratios, it'll be unfortunately impossible to teach you all you should know and as well as you deserve, but we hope you'll get some basic understanding of the importance of the topic and that, by the time we part ways, you'll feel like learning more about stats at some point in the future.

My lessons might also be the first and last some of you ever take in computer programming. Speaking programming languages will be extremely useful in today's world for each of you, in your profession and elsewhere. The basic principles you'll learn would justify a course by themselves, and R (the specific language we'll try to speak, listen, write and read) is widely used in genetics and in some sectors of molecular biology, ecology, plant sciences and zoology, to name a few. For example, if you ever enrol in the MXX and you manage to study your notes of our course here quickly at the beginning of that master's degree, you'll save yourself lots of trouble (believe me — I've witnessed it!). But producing good notes requires understanding the contents of the course!

Whereas most of the courses you're taking this year will probably be useless in the mid and long term, we strongly recommend you to try to make the most of Biostatistics! Or else you'll regret it!


Profs. P Faraldo, A Saavedra, P Saavedra and myself are in charge of the students of the first half of the alphabet, namely of the following topics:

Course materials

The USC online campus for the course contains detailed notes for the theoretical classes, composed by my colleagues, who have been gentle enough to also include my name on them. My classes will be devoted to practical exercises focused on programming with R, while reinforcing the theoretical contents of the course. There are some useful materials below (mostly in Galician) and I may well add more in the future, but in any case the main communication channel will be the USC online campus, so there's no need to check this site often for updates.

In the very abnormal 2020–2021 academic year, all my classes are being livestreamed and the recordings are available on the course's channel (for students only). Attending on-site has also been possible since the beginning of March.

Please don't...

Please don't postpone installing:

I'm begging you on my knees that at least you try, as soon as you can. Otherwise, we'll waste a lot of time during the classes, which we need for learning intersting stuff.

My goal; your goal

So is this all about you getting good grades? No, no, no. The practical lessons with R will be assessed via two 1-hour exams during class time, on dates that we'll agree with you. They'll be remarkably similar to practical examples and/or exercises on Prof Casares' notes (see USC online campus), which we'll also deal with during our classes. It's expected that anyone that does a minimum amount of effort gets ≥1.0/1.5 and that anyone who genuinely understands everything and isn't extremely unlucky/nervous on exam days gets 1.5/1.5... Or at least that's what I've been told (I have no control and no information on how the exams will be like).

Your goal should be to:

My goal is to persuade you that the above is your goal, and to help you achieve it. Forget about the grades — they're going to be good if you focus on the actual goal and, if not, it means that we (or any professor who does) are terribly unfair and you shouldn't care about how we value your work.


I'd like you to devote some time to the following exercise before our March 26th class. Click here to download the data file.

Homework R - descriptive statistics.pdf

First exam

The document below can be very interrrrrrrrrrrresting when it comes to preparing the April 9th exam.

Modelo control 123 - web.pdf

Below you have the exam we did on April 9th:

Control 123 ben - web.pdf

Second exam

First of all, make sure to download the Galton dataset. The verrrrry interesting document for the exam is available below, since Sunday. Sorry for the delay! I am doing the best I can!

Modelo control 456 - web.pdf

Handwritten summaries

Feel free to handle in your handwritten summary of what you studied with me, using this form, before the second exam. For historical interest, here you have the notes I composed when I was much younger:

Apuntes R - web.pdf

Student survey

Please help me to be less awful to the students next year, by filling in this form. The goal of that form is to increase how much you impacted me; in order to increase how much I impact you, here you have a summary of what we discussed at the end of the last class:

Convocatorias interesantes para nenos de Bioloxía - web.pdf

We know it happens...

   </ヽ-___     ZZZZ...




    ( 0ω0)           ¡El worbuk!

   _| (___

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   </ヽ-___     Ah no, k soy universitario.

 /<_/____/      ZZZZ...



     ( ÔωÔ)        ¡HOTIA, LAS PRÁCTICAS

    _| (___    DE BIOESTADÍSTICA!

 / └-(____