Bee Extraction and Swarm Collection

Bumble Bees & Relocation

For the most part, bumble bees will quietly pass the summer largely unnoticed and have a relatively brief season, over the summer months.

Occasionally however, they can make their nests in lofts, or in areas of high human activity. For some this isn't a big issue. For others, the idea of having a colony of stinging insects in such close proximity, is a major cause for concern.

Where they are causing issues, relocation can be carried out provided they are in an accessible area.

Honey Bee Swarm Collection

During the spring, when tempertures begin to increase. Honey Bees can begin to swarm. Sometimes these are feral bees and other times, escapees from a keepers apiary.

Whilst a colony in swarm, can be a phenomenal sight, it can also be quite a frightening experience for those not familiar with bee behaviour. The reality is, that there is very little to be concerned about. When swarming, they will be full of honey, and have no home to defend. Meaning that they are in their most docile state.

BBKA can provide free swarm collection, however their members are unpaid volunteers, often with work commitments. Where they are unable to attend, or you require bees collecting, we are able to provide an emergency attendance to bring the swarm under control for a nominal fee. Dependent on scheduling, we are also able to collect for free within the local area.

Honey Bee Extraction

The greatest risk with swarming bees, is that they have the potential, to move into the fabric of a building and may begin to colonise within chimneys, wall cavities, or fascias.

Sometimes this may only last for a day or two, before a swarm moves on. However, when conditions are right, the swarm will settle and begin to build a new colony. Ususally the best way to deal with this issue, is through removal within the first few weeks, before the colony builds up in size.

For colonies that have been established in a site over a long period, spring is the most ideal time, to carry out an extraction. This is due to the reduced size, of the over wintered colony and depleted honey stores.

We undertake some extraction work, however for complex sites where asbestos may be present, or in the case of listed buildings, we are able to provide referral details for specialist companies.